Asian FA supports Palestine's request for sanctions against Israel

The Asian football federation AFC is supporting the Palestinian football body's request for sanctions against the Israeli football association ahead of the FIFA Congress in Bangkok due to the ongoing war in Gaza.

"The AFC stands together with the Palestinian federation, and we join them in seeking effective football-related solutions to the grievances raised by the Palestinian federation in their proposal," AFC president Sheikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa said on Thursday.

"It is our duty to support the Palestinian federation for a swift and effective resolution in line with the rules, regulations and statutes of the AFC and FIFA."

The Palestinian federation (PFA) submitted a request for "appropriate, immediate sanctions against Israeli teams" to the world governing body's congress in Bangkok on Friday.

The PFA accuses Israel of violating international law, particularly in Gaza, and refers to FIFA statutes relating to human rights. The motion is likely aimed at excluding the Israeli association.

The agenda of the FIFA Congress generally includes a discussion on proposals from member associations, but a vote is not yet planned. According to dpa information, the possibility of transferring the topic to the FIFA Council is being examined.

The Gaza war was triggered by the massacre carried out in Israel by Palestinian militant organization Hamas and other extremist groups on October 7. Some 1,200 people were killed while around 250 were taken hostage.

According to the Hamas-controlled health authority, more than 35,000 Palestinians were killed in the ongoing war, although this figure, cannot be verified independently and does not distinguish between civilians and fighters.