3 Uzbek Terror Suspects Escape Jakarta Immigration Detention Center Two were arrested again, while the other one was found dead near Sunter river after the individual recklessly jumped into the river and then drowned.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Three out of four detained Uzbek nationals, who allegedly spread terror propaganda on the social media platform, escaped while being held in the Jakarta Immigration Office detention center on Monday, April 10.

They were previously arrested by the Special Detachment 88 (Densus 88) Anti-terror Team of the National Police. The four individuals identified as BA alias JF (32), OMM alias IM (28), BKA (40), and MR (26), were also suspected of being involved in the international terror organization Katibat al-Tawhid wal-Jihad.

A spokesman for the Densus 88 Police Commissioner Aswin Siregar said the incident occurred around 4:00 a.m. local time.

At that time, officers from the Immigration Office and Densus 88 who were conducting security measures were preparing for pre-dawn meals and prayers.

Suddenly, three of the four Uzbeks attacked the officers using kitchen knives obtained from the pantry.

Also read: Indonesia Arrests Four Uzbek Terror Suspects

"Just before the pre-dawn meal preparation, the foreigners attacked the duty Immigration and Densus 88 officers before escaping from the detention center," Aswin said at the National Police Headquarters on Tuesday, April 11.

As a result of the incident, an immigration officer died. "The incident killed an Immigration officer known as Adi Widodo," said Aswin.

In addition, several officers were injured. He said one of the Immigration officers, Dikky Firstho, suffered severe injuries and is currently receiving treatment. Another officer, Supriatna, suffered minor injuries.

"Then, Brigadier Dendri and Brigadier Bahrain from the Densus 88 are still receiving treatment as they suffer severe injuries,” he said.

The two foreigners, OMM alias IM and MIR alias MR were arrested again in Sunter, North Jakarta on the same day.

However, BA alias JF was found dead near Sunter river after the individual recklessly jumped into the river and then drowned.

This article has been translated from Indonesian, partly with the help of an artificial intelligence tool.

(Writer: Rahel Narda Chaterine, Baharudin Al Farisi | Editor: Dani Prabowo, Ihsanuddin)

Sources: https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2023/04/11/16335511/3-wna-uzbekistan-jaringan-teroris-internasional-kabur-usai-lukai-personel.


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