3 Malaysian Nationals Missing after Boat Capsizes Near Indonesia’s Side of Borneo The victim's wife has been found. The search for other victims is still ongoing as far as the rivers on the Indonesian side.

NUNUKAN, KOMPAS.com – Three Malaysians comprising a father and his two children are missing and feared drowned after their wooden boat capsized in a Sabah river near the Indonesian side of Borneo island on Thursday, April 13.

Currently, the victim's wife has been found. The search for other victims is still ongoing as far as the rivers on the Indonesian side.

A local leader known as Lumbis said that the search continues with the help of indigenous residents following a request from the Pagalungan district head.

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"Last night [Thursday], we were contacted by the Pagalungan district head Tuan Philip Antugi saying a boat capsized in the Panawan-Talangkai River in the Sepulut area of Nabawan District, Sabah, Malaysia. Four people were involved in the boat accident," Lumbis said on Friday, April 14.

Lumbis explained that initially, Rabinus Palanuk along with his wife and two children, who had finished farming, were going home by their boat to Sisingon village by crossing the Panawan river.

At that time, the river was flooding. The boat capsized and eventually sank in a strong current.

"During the search for the victims in the Agis/Salung area of Malaysia, there was also another victim who drowned while trying to rescue a person he had seen in the middle of the river," he added.

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In response to this incident, the Pagalungan district head in Sabah called on the people to immediately report to his office if anyone found the whereabouts of the victims.

The Panawan river in Malaysia flows into the Talangkai river, which connects with the Pampangon River towards the Logongon River in Malaysia. From Logongon, the river flows into Indonesia's territory, namely the Pansiangan river, and continues to flow towards the Sembakung river.

This article has been translated from Indonesian, partly with the help of an artificial intelligence tool.

(Writer: Ahmad Dzulviqor | Editor: Khairina)

Source: https://regional.kompas.com/read/2023/04/14/100204078/kapal-karam-3-wn-malaysia-tenggelam-dan-hanyut-diduga-sampai-indonesia-kini?page=all#page2.

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