Neuroscience research links sleep problems to accelerated brain aging in older adults

The ageing process is highly heterogeneous, with some people experiencing more severe changes in their brain’s gray and white matter, which can lead to cognitive decline, while others may have milder changes or none at all. Sleep disruptions are considered an important risk factor for dementia that can contribute to these changes, but previous studies have provided inconsistent findings.

In a recent study published in Neurobiology of Aging, researchers used multiple imaging techniques to investigate how the aging brain and sleep problems are related. They found that poor sleep quality and sleep fragmentations were associated with accelerated brain aging, highlighting the importance of addressing sleep issues for maintaining brain health in older adults.

The study enrolled fifty healthy older volunteers, aged 65 or over. Participants underwent a comprehensive assessment of sleep measurements for two weeks using actigraphs, devices worn on the wrist to monitor sleep-wake patterns, and self-assessed their sleep quality before undergoing an MRI session.

Using a method called linked independent component analysis to analyze complex data from the brain, the researchers found that as people age and experience sleep problems like poor sleep quality or fragmented sleep, there is a decrease in the gray matter and white matter microstructure, highlighting the potential impact of sleep disruptions on the aging brain.

Furthermore, by applying a technique to estimate the difference between a person’s chronological age and their brain age based on MRI data, the researchers found a significant association between poor sleep quality and accelerated brain aging, meaning that the brain appeared older by approximately 2 years than its actual age.

These findings highlight the importance of considering the effects of sleep problems on brain health as we age. By improving sleep quality and addressing sleep disruptions, we may be able to mitigate the risk of cognitive decline and maintain healthier brains in our later years.

It is worth noting that while this study provides valuable insights, there are still some limitations. The number of participants was relatively small, so further research with larger and more diverse groups is necessary to confirm the results. Additionally, scientists need to continue refining their methods for estimating brain age and better understand how sleep problems affect individuals across different age groups and with varying health conditions.

Nonetheless, this study represents a significant step forward in our understanding of the link between sleep problems and brain aging, highlighting the potential impact of addressing sleep issues for maintaining brain health in older adults.

“Taking into account a recent evidence that a few years deviation from normative brain ageing is one of the hallmarks of dementia, we suggest that sleep problems in healthy older adults should be considered a modifiable risk factor for dementia,” the researchers concluded. “Our findings also point to the aptitude of behavioral intervention to combat the effects of inadequate sleep on the ageing brain. However, it should be noted that any conclusions drawn from our findings are limited by cross-sectional design and thus further longitudinal studies, preferably based on multimodal approaches are needed.”

The study, “The association between inadequate sleep and accelerated brain ageing“, was authored by Jivesh Ramduny, Matteo Bastiani, Robin Huedepohl, Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos, and Magdalena Chechlacz.

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