Kohlrabi rice cake with topping

Rolf Seiffe/FoodCentrale by ddp images

Ingredients for 8 pieces:

125 g round grain rice
375 ml vegetable stock
1 kohlrabi
1 small courgette
60 g medium Gouda
1 bunch rocket
100 g whipped cream
75 g crème fraîche
2 eggs (M)
salt, pepper


40 g green olives
30 g pesto cheese, shaved
2 tomatoes, diced


Fat for the mould


1. Cook rice in simmering stock for approx. 20 minutes, then leave to cool. In the meantime, peel the kohlrabi, wash the courgettes and grate both. Grate the Gouda, wash the rocket, shake dry and chop the two thirds. Put the rest put aside.

2. Mix the cream, crème fraîche, eggs and half of the cheese. Season with salt and season with salt and pepper. Mix with rice and prepared ingredients. Pour into a greased (approx. 20 cm diameter) and sprinkle with the remaining Gouda.
Bake in a preheated oven (electric oven: 200°C/ gas: level 3) for approx. 40 minutes.

3. Garnish the rice tart with olives, pesto cheese, diced tomatoes and the remaining rocket.

Preparation time approx.: 1 ¼ hours (without waiting time)

Nutritional values per serving approx.:

Calories: 199
Joule: 840
Protein: 7.7 g
Fat: 11.8 g
Carbohydrates: 15.6 g

(FoodCentrale by ddp images)