Republican LGBTQ Organization Condemns Gov. Ron DeSantis’s Homophobic Campaign Video

TAMPA, FL - NOVEMBER 08: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis gives a victory speech after defeating Democratic gubernatorial candidate Rep. Charlie Crist during his election night watch party at the Tampa Convention Center on November 8, 2022 in Tampa,...

Log Cabin Republicans, the largest LGBTQ Republican organization in the country, condemned Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Florida) after his presidential campaign posted an advertisement attacking Donald Trump’s connection to the LGBTQ community.

The ad was put out on Twitter on Friday by DeSantis War Room, a campaign account for the governor. It included a clip of Trump in 2016 saying, “I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens.” The comment was a response to the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida that year, which left 49 people dead.

DeSantis’s ad also featured clips of Trump with Caitlyn Jenner, who has supported Trump’s past campaigns.

Following the release of the advertisement, Log Cabin Republicans issued a statement that criticized DeSantis’s policies concerning LGBTQ+ rights.

“Today’s message from the DeSantis campaign War Room is divisive and desperate,” the statement said. “Republicans and other commonsense conservatives know Ron DeSantis has alienated swing-state and younger voters.”

“DeSantis’ rhetoric will lose hard-fought gains in critical races across the nation,” the organization continued. “Ron DeSantis and his team can’t tell the difference between commonsense gays and the radical Left gays.” He, sadly, sees them all the same.”

DeSantis is currently trailing behind Trump in the Republican presidential race. Despite the 37-count indictment brought against the former president for willful retention of national security information, Trump’s supporters have remained loyal and he has continued to do extremely well in the polls.

Republican candidates have been targeting Trump through their campaign events and advertisements. DeSantis’ post was one of many attempts to win votes away from Trump, although no candidate has proven successful yet.

Charles Moran, the national president of Log Cabin Republicans, posted a personal response to DeSantis’ advertisement.

“You could have gone after radical queers, @RonDesantis,” he wrote, “but instead you went after the ones who win the @GOP votes and get republicans elected. People like me. Wrong fight to pick, bud.”


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