Biden Meets With King Charles & Prime Minister Rishi Sunak In U.K.

WINDSOR, ENGLAND - JULY 10: King Charles III and US President Joe Biden review a guard of honour at Windsor Castle on July 10, 2023 in Windsor, England. The President is visiting the UK to further strengthen the close relationship between the...

President Joe Biden met with King Charles III and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Monday in the U.K.

Biden first made his way to 10 Downing Street, where he connected with Sunak and shared notes ahead of the NATO summit in Lithuania, which will begin on Tuesday and cover the crisis in Ukraine.

“I think you find Prime Minister Sunak and President Biden on the same page strategically in Ukraine, in lockstep on the bigger picture on what we are trying to accomplish, and as united as ever,” told White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan reporters on Sunday.

Biden and Sunak talked about the recent U.S. decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine. While the move is controversial, Sunak reportedly told Biden that he understands why the U.S. is choosing to provide Ukraine with the munitions.

Biden then traveled to Windsor Castle, where he was greeted and given a Royal Salute by a guard of honor. He then met with the King for two hours and discussed ways of combatting climate change, among other topics.

Biden and the King have been described as having a very “cordial” relationship, though the President did not attend King Charles’ coronation in May. Biden did attend the funeral of the late Queen Elizabeth II in September.

Following his meeting with the King, Biden left London and flew to Vilnius, Lithuania, for the NATO summit. The final leg of the President’s trip will be in Helsinki, Finland, on Thursday, where he is expected to celebrate Finland’s newfound alliance with NATO.


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