
By 「ニューヨーク直行便」安部かすみ

Ahmed akachaによる写真: https://www.pexels.com/ja-jp/photo/7385834/





4 【帰化という言葉についての私の見解】




4 【帰化という言葉についての私の見解】

Autho's VOice: 帰化は差別用語ではない


Autho's VOice: "Naturalization" is NOT a discriminatory term in ANY nations

In recent years, there has been a movement in Japan where some media outlets attempt to portray the term "naturalization"-Kika in the Japanese language- as having discriminatory connotations and control the Journalists not to choose this term. However, we must not allow the word "naturalization" to be mischaracterized in this way. When foreigners acquire citizenship from a foreign country, it is an act of showing respect and pledging loyalty to that nation and its national flag (in Japan, Hinomaru). Citizenship should not be granted to individuals who do not demonstrate loyalty to their adopted nation. It should not misinterpret the term "naturalization" and forcefully attribute discriminatory meanings to it.

To Be Continued…

Text by Kasumi Abe 本記事の無断転載やAI学習への利用禁止

© 安部かすみ