Tuscan kale bread salad

Rolf Seiffe/FoodCentrale by ddp images

Ingredients for about 4 servings:

600 g of kale (e.g. Nero di Toscana or Lower of Rosewill).
((blanched 300 g))
salt, black pepper
4-5 tablespoons light balsamic vinegar
250300 g of stale wholemeal rye bread (e.g. 2 days old)
2 red onions
500 g ripe tomatoes
2 mini or breakfast cucumbers (200 g)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 pinch of sugar
1 tsp medium hot mustard
5 tablespoons olive oil
100 g postelein (winter purslane) or 10-12 basil leaves
6-8 young or 3-4 larger arugula leaves


1. Clean the kale, wash and spin dry, remove the stems. Cut the kale leaves into 10 cm long pieces. Steep in boiling salted water for 23 minutes, rinse with ice cold water and drain well. Place the leaves in a bowl, season with salt and pepper and drizzle with 2 tablespoons vinegar. Repeat several times in between.

2. Cut the bread into slices and soak in cold water for about 15 minutes. Then squeeze or coarsely chop it with your hands and put it in a bowl. Peel and finely dice the onions.

3. Wash the tomatoes and cucumbers. Cut tomatoes into quarters or eighths, removing the stalks. Dice tomato pieces not too finely. Wash the cucumbers, cut in half lengthwise and dice finely. Mix with onions and tomatoes. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper between all layers. Fold in the marinated kale with the batches.

4. Mix the remaining vinegar, lemon juice, sugar, mustard and oil to a dressing and add to the ingredients. Rinse postelein or basil and arugula leaves, pat dry, pluck leaves and cut into fine strips. Gently fold two-thirds of them into the salad.

5. Mix the salad again and let it cool for 30 minutes. To serve, sprinkle remaining postelein or basil and arugula leaves over bread salad.

Preparation time approx. 30 minutes

Nutritional values per serving approx.

Calories: 355
joules: 1491
Protein: 8,6 g
Fat: 20,3 g
Carbohydrates: 34.0 g

Rolf Seiffe/FoodCentrale by ddp images