Reports: Trump defeats Haley in South Carolina Republican primary

US media are widely reporting that former US President Donald Trump has won the Republican presidential primary in the state of South Carolina.

Trump had been tipped to defeat rival Nikki Haley, who was once governor of the conservative state in the south-east of the USA, for their party's nomination for the presidential election on November 5.

To run for president in the US, a candidate must first win the internal party primaries. The candidates are then officially chosen at party conventions in the summer. The Republican nomination convention takes place in mid-July.

Haley, who is regarded as politically more moderate than Trump, had hoped for a home advantage in South Carolina. The 52-year-old was born there and was the first woman to hold the office of governor in the state from 2011 to 2017.

South Carolina has a population of more than five million and around a quarter of the population is black. The primary in South Carolina was the first vote in a southern US state.

Trump was already almost 30 percentage points ahead of Haley in the polls in South Carolina. In nationwide polls, he leads by an even wider margin.

Haley, the former US ambassador to the United Nations, is now considered to have little chance of ultimately prevailing against Trump. Nevertheless, she has so far refused to concede defeat.

Trump has also won the previous primaries in the states of Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada.