5 things men love to brag about on dating apps that give me the ick - Opinion

Before you go hating on me, let me clarify that the opinion presented here is solely based on my dating preferences and experience.

I am sure people of all genders tend to show off in their dating bios, but some of them are a big no-no for me. We spoke to dating expert James Peerce to help combine all the icks I see on a regular basis with his advise on how you can flaunt your best assets without looking like a ‘try-hard’.

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5 things men love to brag about on dating apps

Here are the five things I’ve seen on dating apps that men love to put on display.

Does height really matter?

Does height matter in 2024? Well, according to some daters, yes. Not only does it matter, but they treat it like their prized possession.

Most men mention how tall they are for the sake of it, but others take a lot of pride in the same. While people who are into tall men may find it attractive. I for one, always swipe left if that’s what they brag about to sideline other qualities.

But, our dating expert thinks this has a lot to do with some women’s liking for taller men.

“Sadly, many women filter out shorter men on their profile, even if they are on the shorter side themselves. Men are very much aware of this and will try and boost their chances,” James explained.

Adding a few “magical inches” can draw more attention to them. Women, however, need to be more open-minded about this, added James while asking – “What’s more important – being able to wear high heels or finding your soulmate?”

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There’s more to culinary skills than meets the eye

As a human, I always believed cooking skills are an absolute necessity. I thought – what’s there to show off about it?

Some men go on and on about wanting to treat their lady to a perfectly blended cocktail and a delicious home-cooked gourmet meal on the first date. I thought men’s bio on dating apps could show things beyond just a well-plated dish, but the expert argues otherwise.

James suggests that if you can cook, “then a photo of you demonstrating this can add great value.” Elaborating on the mindset behind it, he added: “It shows you are a provider and like to make an effort. It’s more meaningful than simply dining at a restaurant and can start more conversations.”

Sports bike and fancy cars are a total brag

I couldn’t care less about the vehicle you own and how fast it moves if you fail to strike a decent conversation. Men’s fascination with cars, bikes and any motor vehicle is universal and I understand.

But, if you think that’s what most women are into, trust me you’re wrong. James backs me on this.

“To men, their vehicles are their pride and joy. They want to show them off and would love you to be excited too. In reality, it comes across as bragging and most women aren’t remotely interested,” he said.

@Credit: Westend61/Getty Images

We finally understand why men LOVE gym selfies

Hot bod? maybe. But there’s a bigger reason behind all the semi-nude pictures of men from their workout sessions you find on dating apps.

According to our Dating Expert, “Most men don’t go around taking photos of themselves in the same way women do. So, the only photos they might have on their phone will be the gym ones. It’s easy to snap a few in the mirror while they are there.”

While this is understandable, I still don’t find gym selfies flattering and maybe it’s just me. If you still wish to keep some on your profile, you should perhaps consider the expert’s tip.

“If men are going to do this, stick to just one and leave your top on. Most importantly, remember to smile. Gym selfies can look very aggressive.”

@Credit: merovingian/Getty Images

I can make my own playlist, thank you!

Have you come across daters who think their listening habit is better than yours? It isn’t a gentle suggestion they are making to your playlist, but they’re rather being critical of what you listen to, even before getting to know you.

I don’t think twice before swiping left on men whose bios say: “Give me a chance and I can change your playlist for life” or “My music taste is better than yours.”

I think music is unique and personal to each one of us. I don’t mind expanding my taste in music or discussing about artists me and my connection mutually like. But anything beyond that just doesn’t work for me.

Commenting on this James told The Focus: “Nowadays, it’s not seen as much but some men do like to list their favorite tracks. The problem is that liking the same music is pretty much irrelevant in terms of compatibility. Yes, you might like a few common songs, but you aren’t going to be playing them constantly when you are together!”