Last Generation calls climate protest in 10 German cities on Saturday

Activists of the climate protection group Last Generation hold hands during a street blockade on Mehringdamm. Sebastian Christoph Gollnow/dpa

Climate activism group Last Generation is calling on people to join a new form of demonstration in 10 German cities on Saturday, to kick off a season of protest.

"Disobedient assemblies" are planned in Berlin, Bremen, Cologne, Leipzig, Karlsruhe, Freiburg, Stuttgart, Regensburg, Munich and Rügen, the group said on Monday.

This new protests will take the form of crowds of people blocking pavements and roads. These gatherings should be "significantly more disobedient" than organized demonstrations, but "absolutely peaceful," the group said.

It was unclear exactly how the gatherings were to look and how long they should last.

The group began protesting by blockading streets more than two years ago in order to draw attention to the climate crisis and demand countermeasures.

In the past, activists glued themselves to highways so police could not easily remove them. But Last Generation said in January that members would no longer stick themselves to road surfaces - a disruptive tactic that drew attention to their cause even as it frayed the tempers of motorists, air travellers and police.

They also staged protests in museums, stadiums and ministries. The Berlin police alone counted 550 protests last year.

But many of the activists have faced trial and the public prosecutor's office in Neuruppin is investigating the group for the formation of a criminal organization.

The group also demanded that German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier address the climate crisis in an address to the nation and initiate a debate on immediate measures, including the immediate phase-out of all fossil fuels.

The group also demanded a wealth tax to finance climate protection and "fair rationing that puts a limit on the overconsumption of the rich," at a press conference near his official residence in Berlin.