Incredible video shows crocodile making gut-wrenching ‘primal roar’

Nature is truly both incredible and terrifying and a recent viral video is the perfect example of that as it shows a crocodile making a gut-wrenching ‘primal roar.’

Forget the cinematic roar from the T-rex in Jurassic Park, the low growl heard in this video is enough to send a shiver running down your spine. But while frightening, the noise isn’t anything threatening, although we wouldn’t want to get too close to a crocodile or alligator making such a sound.

Video shows crocodile makes gut-wrenching primal roar

Uploaded to TikTok by Vietnam-based @doclaphuongnam, the video shows a large male crocodile floating by a river’s shoreline.

After snapping at the water, the croc proceeds to lift its head upwards before letting out a guttural growl.

The sound, known as a bellow, causes the water just behind the crocodile’s head to vibrate in a mesmerizing pattern, similar to how the sandworms in Dune cause the sand to vibrate.

Since being uploaded towards the end of February, the video has well and truly gone viral on the social media platform, earning more than 28.6 million views at the time of writing.


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The reason why crocodiles bellow

Despite the ominous noise appearing to be a threat to whoever is recording the video, the sound and the vibrations it creates are actually used to attract a mate.

In order to bellow, a crocodile inflates its lungs while raising its head and tail out of the water.

It then puffs out its throat and with a closed mouth, begins to vibrate the air, causing the water behind its head to ‘dance.’

Just before bellowing, crocodiles will project an infrasonic signal through the water which vibrates the ground and nearby objects to advertise that a male is present and looking for a mate.

Jennika Argent via Getty Images

Viewers react

The viral video has sparked quite a reaction from viewers on social media, with many commenting to offer their thoughts.

One TikTok user said: “I have now escalated to a fear of crocodiles.”

A second added: “I love hearing crocodile bellows it’s like a primal roar from the past to the present.”

A third noted the similarity between the crocodile and a fictional film creature: “[It’s] like the sandworms in Dune.”

“I too can make that noise after a full meal from Taco Bell,” joked a fourth.

“I guess we know what dinosaurs sounded like after all,” said a fifth.

And finally, this commenter asked: “Can I pet that dog?”