Scholz asserts European unity over Ukraine ahead of EU summit

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz makes a government statement on the European Council in the German Bundestag. Kay Nietfeld/dpa

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz sought to portray unity among Ukraine's European allies in comments to parliament in Berlin on Wednesday ahead of a European Union summit in Brussels which begins on Thursday.

"We stand together," Scholz said, emphasizing three joint principles expressed at a meeting last week between Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

"We will support Ukraine for as long as necessary," Scholz said, adding that he would also ensure that the NATO alliance does not become directly involved in the fighting.

"And we will not accept a dictated peace at the expense of Ukraine," Scholz said.

Scholz's meeting with Tusk and Macron came amid public disagreements and tensions between Germany and its allies over how best to support Ukraine.

Scholz has come under international criticism for his refusal to send long-range Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine, which he argues would risk escalating the conflict.

The German leader has also disagreed with Macron's belief that NATO allies should leave open the possibility of deploying combat troops to Ukraine at some point in the future.

"To put it bluntly: as German chancellor, I will not be sending any soldiers from our Bundeswehr to Ukraine," Scholz said in response to Macron's comments, using the German name for the country's military.

Poland's defence minister has backed Macron's stance and again criticized Scholz on Wednesday for his refusal to send Taurus missiles to Ukraine.

Scholz and Macron will meet again at the EU summit on Thursday and Friday.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz makes a government statement on the European Council in the German Bundestag. Kay Nietfeld/dpa
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz makes a government statement on the European Council in the German Bundestag. Michael Kappeler/dpa