Japan to resume funding of Palestinian aid organization UNRWA

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa (L) writes in the Golden Book of the City of Hamburg alongside First Mayor of Hamburg Peter Tschentscher. Jonas Walzberg/dpa

The Japanese government on Tuesday announced it would resume its funding of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

Japan's Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa said the country had planned to contribute $35 million to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Japanese news agency Kyodo reported.

Japan suspended its funding following Israeli allegations that a dozen UNRWA employees were involved in the terrorist acts committed by Hamas on October 7.

The Israeli allegations led a number of Western countries, including major donors the United States and Germany, to suspend funding to UNRWA.

A panel of experts set up by the UN is carrying out an independent review into the agency.

Japan's decision to resume funding follows similar steps taken by the European Union, Sweden and Canada.

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