Community Yom HaShoah Observance Set for JCC on Sunday, May 5

Holocaust Survivors, family members and supporters gathered in 2023 for Yom HaShoah observances in San Diego. (Photo: Jewish Federation of San Diego)

SAN DIEGO (Press Release) – On Sunday, May 5, Jewish Federation of San Diego and the Lawrence Family JCC will host Yom HaShoah: A Holocaust Commemoration at 1 p.m. at the Lawrence Family JCC | Jacobs Family Campus in La Jolla.

This annual Yom HaShoah commemoration provides an opportunity for the community to come together in remembrance and reflection. Hundreds will gather to observe this occasion, including local Holocaust survivors and their families. The program will feature prayers, songs, a candle-lighting ceremony, and other presentations.

In an era where the lessons of history risk being forgotten or distorted, the theme of this year’s program, “Coming Together in Strength & Unity,” underscores the importance of community solidarity in standing against rising antisemitism and Holocaust denial. Only together can we ensure that the commitment to “Never Again” remains unwavering.

The event will also feature guest speaker and best-selling author Mitch Albom, whose latest book, The Little Liar, is set against the harrowing backdrop of the Holocaust. Attendees will gain profound insights into the Holocaust through Albom’s narrative, emphasizing the importance of preserving the memory of this dark period in history.

Albom will be available for a book signing immediately following the program, offering attendees a unique opportunity to engage with the author and acquire a personalized copy of The Little Liar.

For more information or to register for this free event, visit

Preceding provided by the Jewish Federation of San Diego

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