More writers withdraw from PEN America literary awards

Thirty-one authors and translators have withdrawn their work for consideration or declined to participate in PEN America's 2024 Literary Awards, protesting the organisation's lack of support for Palestinian writers in Gaza.

Nine out of the ten writers longlisted for the PEN/Jean Stein book award withdrew their books, including Christina Sharpe, Catherine Lacey and Joseph Earl Thomas.

Twenty-one withdrawing authors and nine additional writers signed a letter this week calling for the organisation’s CEO, Suzanne Nossel, the president, Jennifer Finney Boylan and the entire executive committee to resign.

In an open letter sent to the board of trustees, the writers "wholeheartedly reject PEN America and its failure to confront the genocide in Gaza” and its “failure to defend our fellow writers in Gaza."

"We refuse to be honoured by an organization that acts as a cultural front for American exceptionalism. We refuse to gild the reputation of an organization that runs interference for an administration aiding and abetting genocide with our tax dollars. And we refuse to take part in celebrations that will serve to overshadow PEN’s complicity in normalizing genocide," the letter said.

Signatories include Esther Allen, the co-founder of the PEN World Voices Festival, who declined the PEN/Ralph Manheim Award for Translation in solidarity with the writers who have criticised the organisation.

PEN America said in a statement, "Words matter, and this letter deserves close scrutiny for its alarming language and characterizations."

"We respect all writers for acting out of their consciences and will continue in our mission to defend their freedom to express themselves," the organisation added.

PEN America has faced harsh scrutiny over its "inadequate response" to the genocide in Gaza.

Writers Naomi Klein, Michelle Alexander and Hisham Matar are among dozens of writers who signed an open letter to PEN America in March saying they would boycott this year's PEN World Voices Festival.

© Al-Araby Al-Jadeed