New study reveals two simple tricks that could motivate you to exercise more

If you struggle to find the motivation to exercise, whether it’s going for a walk or hitting the gym, this could be the answer.

A new study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania has revealed two simple tricks that could drive you to exercise more.

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Tricks to help you exercise

The study was conducted between May 2019 and January 2024 and published in the Circulation journal. It tried to encourage 1062 people with a 10-year risk of death from cardiovascular disease, heart attacks or stroke, to exercise more using two methods:

  • Turning exercise into a game with rewards
  • Giving financial incentives for exercising

In the game group, participants were awarded points for meeting their daily step goals and would move up a level if they hit it. Anyone who missed their targets lost points and moved down a level. At the end of the study, those who reached the highest levels received trophies.

The financial group were given $14 each week but lost $2 a day if they did not meet their step targets. There was also a third group which received both game-like and financial incentives, and a fourth group with no incentives at all.

It found that those in the game group and financial group both increased their daily steps, while those with no incentives didn’t, concluding that “behaviorally-designed gamification, loss-framed financial incentives, and the combination of both increased physical activity”.

Close-up view of female jogger tying laces of her sport shoes before running exercise routine. Motivation, healthy lifestyle and fitness concept.

Applying this to your own life

Both of these tricks can easily be adapted into your own life if you struggle to find the motivation to exercise.

For example, you could join a sports team, like netball, football or tennis, which turns fitness into a game with rewards. When your team wins, you will go up on the leaderboard, adding a touch of competitiveness that can encourage you to continue playing.

Virtual fitness apps like Peloton also allow you to track your progress and earn points, or you could work out with a friend and compete against each other to make it fun. Wearing a fitness watch is a great way to make exercise enjoyable too, allowing you to set targets to meet each day.

Giving yourself financial incentives could be a great way of motivating yourself too. For example, tell yourself you can buy that pair of shoes you want when you’ve been for 10 runs, or book a night away when you’ve lost a certain amount of weight.

Everyone is different, and it’s important to find a form of exercise that you enjoy to improve your overall health and reduce your risk for many chronic diseases.