Profit up in first quarter for German lubricant maker Fuchs Petrolub

The logo of lubricant specialist Fuchs Petrolub pictured at the entrance to the company headquarters. Profit rose in the first quarter for German lubricant manufacturer Fuchs Petrolub AG compared to the same period of last year, the company reported on 30 April. picture alliance / dpa

Profit rose in the first quarter for German lubricant manufacturer Fuchs Petrolub AG compared to the same period of last year, the company reported on Tuesday.

The company's bottom line totalled €77 million ($82.5 million), or €0.58 per share.

This compares with €73 million, or €0.54 per share, in last year's first quarter.

The company's revenue for the quarter fell 6.3% to €877 million from €936 million last year.

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