Psychiatrist says 'positive thinking' could actually cause more problems in the future

The concept of ‘Positive thinking’ is often casually thrown around and people believe it without questioning.

Social media is full of positive affirmations that promise to change your life thanks to influencers whose lives have supposedly “transformed” after tweaking their thoughts. A psychiatrist doesn’t think that’s necessarily true.

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Psychiatrist’s take on positive thinking

Psychiatrist and New York Times best-selling author Dr. Daniel Amen doesn’t believe in positive thinking. He is an advocate of “accurate thinking”, which he explains in his videos on TikTok.

“The most important and foundational thing to get right is how you think, and I’m not a fan of positive thinking. I’m a fan of accurate thinking,” she says. He calls the oversold phrase: “Don’t worry, be happy” a “lie” and thinks positivity can be “toxic”.

Dr. Daniel uses real-life examples like going for a third brownie or an extra glass of wine because “you’ll be” fine, before claiming that people with “low level of anxiety die the earliest from accidents preventable illnesses.”

He rather propagates accurate thinking, and it isn’t necessarily positive thinking. But, he suggests thinking accurately with a “positive spin over and over again,” and it eventually becomes a pattern in your life.

A thought with a clear outcome is key to sound mental health, as what you think is what you become.

How to tackle negative thoughts

The accurate thinking theory works similarly to combat a negative thought process. The psychiatrist shares tools to negate less pleasant thoughts.

When you’re feeling low or sad, write down the things that bog you down. Also, ask yourself the most essential question – Am I enough?

Dr. Daniel suggests flipping it to tell yourself that “you are enough” while being mindful of the better outcome and asking the second question – Is that true?

“If you can find one reason that you’re enough, you’ll be able to find 2 and you can find 4,” he says.

Dr. Daniel is one the most “visible and influential experts” on brain health and mental health. He is a physician, adult, and child psychiatrist who has founded Amen Clinics – a mental health facility in 11 locations across the US.

The psychiatrist has penned several books to become a 12-time New York Times bestselling author. Some of his works include Change Your Brain, Change Your Life; The End of Mental Illness; Healing ADD, and others.