Brussels, my love? Press under pressure all across the EU

Host Méabh Mc Mahon with Olena Abramovych, Ricardo Borges de Castro and Dorota Bawolek ©Euronews

This week, we are joined by Olena Abramovych, Brussels correspondent for Ukrainian TV, Ricardo Borges de Castro, analyst in European and global affairs and Polish journalist Dorota Bawolek.

Panelists reflect on the big bang enlargement of the European Union that took place 20 years ago when leaders of 10 new countries presented their flags to Pat Cox, then president of the European Parliament. Despite the bumps along the way, the panel agreed it was a success.

"Even though you can say that the story has not always be rosy, over the past 20 years it has been a great story", Ricardo Borges de Castro said.

The panel also marked International Press Freedom Day by focusing on the dwindling press freedom in the EU.

"It is very worrying and at the same time, unfortunately, not very surprising", said Dorota Bawolek, who suffered attacks both online and offline for her reporting, and experienced censorship.

"Democracy in Europe is not living its best days at the moment. And media and media freedom is one of the victims of it", she said.

Watch "Brussels, my love?" in the player above.

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