Brendan Rodgers shares his Sunday plans as Rangers wake up with all the pressure on their shoulders

The unity, passion and football on display at Celtic Park yesterday was thrilling. It felt like what Celtic should be and haven’t been enough like this season.

The fans backed the team from the first whistle and the players responded to that with controlled aggression and ruthlessness in the final third. Hearts felt the full force of the Bhoys.

The 3-0 result has put the side six points clear at the top of the Scottish Premiership, with all the pressure of the title race now piled on Rangers’ shoulders ahead of their meeting with Kilmarnock on Sunday afternoon.

Rodgers notably talked about that “scoreboard pressure” in his pre-match media conference. He knows how to use the press to get talking points out there. I think he wants that narrative of pressure discussed because I think he knows his players can handle it.

Despite making that rare acknowledgement of Rangers’ schedule, when quizzed on the Ibrox match after beating Hearts, the Celtic boss made it clear he won’t be watching the live Sky Sports broadcast.

Brendan Rodgers takes a break from title race drama

Rodgers said when asked if he’s tuning in [Yahoo Sports]: “No. I’m heading out with my family tomorrow. I’ll be going up to the seaside and enjoying a bit of time up there. I’ll be resting and spending time with the family.”

The manager cuts a relaxed figure at the moment. He’s enjoying his team’s football and he’s enjoying sparring with the media.

Again turning the discussion back to mentality, Rodgers also discussed next week’s derby, quipping that they’re looking forward to the fun of the fixture.

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

Rodgers’ notable public focus

The Celtic boss continued: “Eighty per cent of it now is mental. Physically they are in a really good place. This stage it’s all about mentality. You can see mentally we are in a really good place.

“Take nothing for granted, keep our composure, we have a lot of work to do in the week, get our plan ready and then next Saturday we can have a bit of fun!”

Framing the title race around these attributes is deliberate, in my mind. Have Rangers proven they have the mentality to succeed? Most of their squad haven’t.

Celtic, in contrast, have time and again. Rodgers is backing his Bhoys to hold their water and get the job done. He’s confident, focused and has his eye on the prize.