Half of Americans want to ditch tradition of leaving tips at restaurants after bad service

Tipping is an important restaurant etiquette in America, even a debatable one. A recent study found, that nearly half of Americans still don’t follow the unwritten rule when they dislike the service.

YouGov surveyed 1000 Americans about the acceptability of 40 restaurant behaviors – 20 by customers, and 20 by restaurant management or staff. Similar to the age-old tradition, there are many others the population stands divided over.

Paying for food and drinks at cafe made easy with credit cards.

Half the Americans don’t tip over ‘bad service’

51% of the respondents said they “leave zero tips after receiving a bad service”, while 17% said they weren’t sure if they would do the same, and the rest, 31% believe that’s unacceptable.

There isn’t an ultimate guide to tipping in America, but leaving at 10% of your check is acceptable, according to the vast majority. The next most acceptable tip ranges between 15 and 20%.

However, many think they aren’t obliged to tip the minimum if the service is unsatisfactory. The same survey revealed that 84% of them think it’s acceptable to send the dish back if it doesn’t meet their specifications.

But, it was common practice that the most, 93% of respondents agreed with – requesting a to-go container to take home leftovers.

Top restaurant behaviors that customers despise

If you’re hating on customers who don’t leave tips, there are as many restaurant behaviors that get on people’s nerves.

Nearly 88% of respondents hate that restaurants charge for tap water, while 84% think not indicating the price next to items on the menu is unacceptable.

The respondents were least divided over adults not being allowed to order off the children’s menu and a no-phone policy at the dining table.

And, the most acceptable restaurant behavior is not allowing reservations following “charge a cancellation fee for reservation not honored.”
