4 ways women appear 'desperate' when dating men they should avoid, relationship commentator says

Dating is a whole different ball game that requires special tools and knowledge to protect the relationship and yourself.

Losing yourself in a relationship is easy if it starts to define you and your life and worse if you end up in something that chips away at your confidence and sense of worth. But you can be more confident and protect yourself by keeping in mind four things a Dating YouTuber highlights in his video.

Don’t let the man take you or your time for granted

Ladies, we know it doesn’t end well when you let a man walk all over you; put yourself before anyone else. Relationship adviser and best-selling author Brian Nox suggests moving on with your life when a man can’t be consistent.

You always deserve to be treated with respect, not just when your partner wishes to shower you with affection only to pull himself away again. Not encouraging inconsistent behavior paints you as a more confident person who isn’t desperate to be an emotionally unavailable man.

Don’t hide your flaws

Flaws are beautiful, so own them, don’t hide them to impress a man. So what he doesn’t like your job or where you stay? If you’re hiding a part of your existence to impress someone else, you’re only fooling yourself.

It’s alright if your flaws aren’t acceptable to your partner, but you aren’t undermining yourself to seek others’ approval. Your personality screams confidence in your true self.

Stop pretending

Your effort to pretend you’re “okay” when you aren’t, does no good to anyone. Brian says people are valued more when they don’t “act” and are genuine with their feelings.

You may swallow your feelings for the person you like because you’re invested in the relationship, and if your partner isn’t willing to do the same you must not stick around, says the relationship adviser.

Respect your boundaries

Don’t be a pushover. How do you expect a man or any other human to respect you with boundaries that can be easily bent?

Not only does it give them the leverage to walk all over you, but you also come across as desperate to be with someone who doesn’t care enough about your feelings. Violation of personal boundaries is the biggest red flag that your partner isn’t worthy of you.