German digital group reports rise in cyber attacks from Russia, China

Bernhard Rohleder, Managing Director of German Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media (Bitkom), speaks at the CeBIT exhibition. Peter Steffen/dpa

The German digital association Bitkom says it has recorded an increasing number of cyber attacks from China and Russia over the past 12 months.

"We have measured a doubling of attacks from Russia in the last year," said managing director Bernhard Rohleder on Monday morning on German public broadcaster ZDF.

There was also a 50% increase in the number of known incidents from China, he said. Of the companies affected, 80% were targeted by Russian attacks, according to the Bitkom director.

Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser and the president of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), Holger Münch, plan to present the "National Situation Report on Cybercrime" for 2023 on Monday morning.

In particular, the number of offences committed from abroad or from an unknown location has been increasing for years, the BKA said in advance. This also applies to the amount of damage caused by cybercrime to companies in Germany.

"The damage is €148 billion ($159 billion) per year from cyber attacks alone, meaning digital attacks," said Bitkom's Rohleder. "That is a very significant amount." Organized crime is often behind these attacks, as are foreign intelligence services, he added.

"Some are after money," Rohleder said, adding that other perpetrators want to cause as much damage as possible, such as to critical infrastructure like the energy supply or hospitals.

"And there are still some, especially private individuals, who just want to have fun," he said.

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