Ex-Blizzard president believes Xbox 'can find a path to great success'

Former Blizzard Entertainment president Mike Ybarra thinks Xbox "can find a path to great success".

Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella came under fire after Xbox shut down a slew of their studios - including 'Hi-Fi Rush' developer Tango Gameworks – and the ex-Blizzard boss has now insisted the business will ultimately succeed despite the recent closures.

Taking to X, he wrote: "I 100 per cent love Xbox and think Xbox can find a path to great success for their teams and players around the world. 100 per cent. 110 per cent!

"Xbox has always been accountable for its business. Even when it was small, or in the red, pressure exists and always will. I see some articles today with anonymous ex-Xbox'ers talking about the Board ... I don't see this as 'the Board' doing something different.

"It's not the function of a Board to be operators that dictate to business units and teams what to do day to day. Sure, pressure and stakes are always high and only get higher as you grow. I've never seen Satya dictate something top down - he questions and pushes but empowers his teams. He is a fantastic leader."

Mike – who had also worked at Xbox and Microsoft – emphasised the company had a "strong desire" to make "great games that exceed player expectations", and insisted the business had to make "hard decisions" in order to succeed.

He continued: "It starts and ends with a strong desire to win and making great games that exceed player expectations. That is what is fragile now and needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

"These are all hard decisions, it's certainly no easy task given where things stand today, and both paths have dramatic implications.

"But I fundamentally believe in Xbox, its fans, and the opportunity ahead for great services, and games OR as a publisher of games and services across any screen. I'm cheering for Xbox and it pains me to see all the negative swirl.

"So for those asking, keep the faith in Xbox but ask for clarity on what the path forward is for the brand and product. Then make your own decision on what is best for you and your valuable time and money."

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