Takeda Shrine

Located inYamanashi Prefecture’s Kofu City, Takeda Shrine was built in the early 20th century but has much deeper historical roots. For a mix of shrine architecture and Yamanashi’s history, head to Takeda Shrine.

The Takeda Clan

Photo by: PIXTA/ denkeiVisit the shrine of one of Japan’s most influential families.

The Takeda clan were a significant family from the Heian period until the late 1500s. Ruling over Kai province, the historical name of Yamanashi prefecture, the Takeda clan is most famous for Takeda Shingen. Known as a formidable military tactician during the warring states period, he was feared for his use of cavalry in battle. The clan ultimately fell into decline, especially following their defeat at the hands of Oda Nobunaga, considered the first Great Unifier in Japanese history.

Shrine Background

Photo by: PIXTA/ かぜのたみLook for the various power spots on the shrine grounds.

Takeda Shrine was constructed on the former residence of the Takeda family. In addition to the main hall, the complex has elements of the historical residence, including the moats and defensive walls. The shrine also has several spots that are said to bring good luck. The sacred trident pine tree grows with bundles of three golden needles. If you manage to pick them up, legend says they can bring good financial fortune. The Princess Well attracts visitors to be looking for its sacred waters. The well is considered a power spot, a site believed to have strong spiritual energy. To dig deeper in the history of the Takeda clan, check out the treasure house which contains several historical artifacts including personal belongings and swords and armor used by the family.

Spring in Takeda Shrine

Photo by: PIXTA/ denkeiTime your visit to the annual festival held on April 12.

Come spring, the shrine and surrounding area make for a great spot cherry blossom viewing spot. The shrine complex is home to about 50 trees that bloom in late March and early April. If you’re approaching the grounds via Kofu station, you’ll also be treated to a two-kilometer path lined with more sakura trees. Early April visitors will also have a bonus event to look forward to. Every year on April 12, the shrine hosts a festival marking the death of the famous Lord Takeda Shingen. A procession of 24 horse-mounted generals parades through the streets of Kofu accompanying a portable shrine carrying his spirit.

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