'It's a lot': Klopp shares what he and the Liverpool players did at the training ground during his last week

Here we go then, Jurgen Klopp’s final game as Liverpool manager is just two days away.

It’s guaranteed to be an emotional affair at Anfield, as supporters, players and opposition alike salute the best Liverpool manager of the modern era.

With nothing on the line for the Reds, the week has been fully focused on preparing for Klopp’s farewell.

As a result, it must have been a tricky week at the AXA Training Centre. Although he’d no doubt love to, there’s no chance Jurgen could have treated this like any other week.

And, happily, it seems like manager and players have enjoyed each other’s company away from the football. Speaking in his final pre-match press conference on Friday, Klopp revealed what he and his team have been up to.

Jurgen Klopp explains his final week

In some ways this felt like a week that would never arrive. Back in January it felt as though we had so much more time.

But, alas, the time has arrived to say goodbye to a legendary figure. It’s going to be tough.

If supporters are struggling this week though, then spare a thought for Liverpool’s first-team squad. Many of them will have joined the club because of Klopp. They’ll be savouring all they can from these last days.

What makes the German so special is the way he connects with people on a human level, not just through football. And although they still have a few days to share together, Klopp says he and his players had a BBQ on Wednesday as a means to say goodbye.

“Yesterday the players said ‘goodbye’ in their way, we had a little barbecue here, it was really nice,” said the 56-year-old.

“The day before with the staff from Chapel St, really, really nice. Another goodbye, celebration. It’s a lot. I had very emotional moments in between. Saying goodbye is never nice. But saying goodbye without feeling sad would mean the time we spent together wasn’t great.”

Liverpool players ready for Jurgen Klopp farewell

This would have been a special moment for those lucky enough to be part of the Liverpool squad.

Of course, they would have preferred the circumstances of the season to be different , with a trophy or two left to play.

But as Klopp has often said, his time at the club hasn’t just been about the trophies won on the pitch. More than anything, it’s been about the culture he has created at the club.

For the players he has relied upon, they have done their part to create that, too. But it’s mostly been Jurgen.

With one or perhaps two more training sessions left, those Liverpool players should drink in every moment.