Dating app launches new feature in bid to put an end to 'brutal' trend

Hinge has launched a new feature called Your Turn Limits which hopes to fight back against the growing issue of ghosting on dating apps.

With literally thousands of dating apps to choose from, finding the right one for your specific needs can be difficult. Once signed in and hopefully not holding a fish in your profile picture, you then have to contend with other singletons hoping to bag a date. Even after all that, you could be one of the 76% who are ghosted by their partner.

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Hinge is fighting back against ghosting

In a press release earlier this week, Hinge, who are part of the same parent group as Tinder, unveiled their new feature, Your Turn Limits. They said it was inspired by recent research showing that 44% of daters cited a lack of responsiveness as their top dating challenge.

The premise of the new technological feature is actually quite simple. When users attempt to start a conversation with a potential new beau, Hinge reminds them to check in with their previous conversations. They are urged to continue with said conversations or end them, though only if the user has 8 unanswered messages or above.

“With the launch of Your Turn Limits, we’re testing a new way to help our users focus on quality over quantity – keeping intentionality at the core of their dating experience,” said Justin McLeod, Founder and CEO of Hinge. “We’ve heard from daters how they’re feeling overwhelmed, distracted, and, simply put, burnt out. To help alleviate these challenges and get people on more great dates, we’re continuing to identify innovative solutions like Your Turn Limits.”

Didn’t Hinge already have a similar feature?

Credit: Unsplash/ Eric Ward

If you think Hinge already had a program to combat ghosting, then you would be right. Back in 2017, the company launched Your Turn as a way to encourage users to reply to old messages. This was then updated in 2023 to push unanswered messages to the top of the screen.

“Every feature we test is intended to get daters to a place where connections happen – on great dates,” said Stéphane Taine, Chief Product Officer at Hinge. “In today’s dating world, it’s become far too normalized for people to send likes liberally and leave their conversations sitting, leading to feelings of dating burnout for people seeking relationships. With the Your Turn Limits test, we’re encouraging daters to keep the momentum going with their current conversations or properly close out a conversation to give the person on the other side the closure they need to continue their dating journey.”