Jay-Z looked 'ready to fight' when he snatched away man's phone for filming Beyoncé

Questions are always being asked about their relationship, but Jay-Z wasn’t playing that time he snatched a fan’s phone when he believed they overstepped the mark at a party with Beyoncé.

The Bonnie and Clyde duo have had a tumultuous relationship, but fans are enjoying reminiscing about the time Jay-Z made it clear that he had no time for anyone invading his wife’s personal space. Hilariously, Beyoncé was actually quite sympathetic to the unfortunate man who found himself on the receiving end of Jay-Z’s wrath.

That time Jay-Z was ready to go to war over Beyoncé phone incident

You know it’s a pretty exclusive party when Jay-Z and Beyoncé show up. And, should you for some reason ever find yourself in such a situation – heed this word of advice: do not start filming Beyoncé up close.

Back in 2019, one partygoer learned this lesson the hard way. Viewers on Twitter (X) have been laughing at footage of the incident which has recently resurfaced, in which the celebrity can be seen acting a lot less polite and courteous than usual, as he appears to firmly remind a fellow partygoer how to act like he’s been in this kind of setting before.

The dejected dancer is forced to look on as the Dead Presidents rapper snatches his phone out of his hand – only to be comforted by a sympathetic pat on the back from Bey, who appears to be less enraged by the supposed privacy infringement than her aggrieved husband.

‘How I need my man to move’ Bey-z fans react to HOV being defensive

As the clip of the Beyoncé phone moment continued to do the rounds online, fans of the couple couldn’t stress enough just how glad they were not to be the ones receiving a telling-off from Jay-Z:

Viewers also couldn’t resist pointing out the pat on the arm from Beyoncé, through which she appeared to be telling the dejected cameraman – ‘Sorry, he gets like that sometimes’.

“Beyoncé patted that man back like “it’s okay, he just crazy, keep dancing!” Joked one user.

Another Beyoncé stan added: “It’s always Bey rubbing his shoulder, you can’t tell me she isn’t one of the sweetest ppl in the industry”.

Reacting to the comical recording of the person who filmed the incident, one user added: “My favorite part will always be the slow pan away from Beyoncé once he realized his phone was bound to be snatched as well”.

Next time you’re hanging out with Jay-z and Beyoncé, be sure to ask for permission before you take photos of either of them…

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