Prince Harry 'breaking unspoken contract' is why Kate Middleton is ahead

Royal commentator Daniela Elser says Prince Harry ‘breaking unspoken contract’ is why Kate Middleton is ahead in a popularity poll.

The royals… just how popular are they? When discussing the British monarchy with literally anybody, you’ll be able to see who a person’s favorites are, all but immediately. However, a poll and survey from YouGov has determined who in the family is the least and most popular on a broad scale. Conducted quarterly, it means an individual’s increasing or decreasing popularity can be assessed. Looking over the data, the difference in favorability shown toward Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex and Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales is rather jarring.

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Prince Harry ‘breaking unspoken contract’ is reason Kate is more popular, author suggests

Observing the most recent and past polls, Kate’s peak in popularity arrived around the same time as her marriage to William in April 2011, when she achieved a +73 in the YouGov poll. In the years following, her rating has only ever dropped as low as +54, which was in 2013.

In the latest poll, she is still at an admirable +61, helping form a pattern that spells the word ‘consistency’ more than anything else. Meanwhile, there’s Harry’s polling…

When he got engaged to Meghan Markle in November 2017, the survey around that time saw him sitting at a mighty +70. On the other hand, the latest puts him at a disastrous -32 percent, and his wife is even lower at a measly -43.

Journalist and royal commentator Daniela Elser has offered insight on into why she feels Harry performs much more poorly at the polls than Kate.

“The duke’s relationship with his homeland is an incredibly turbulent one,” she points out. Harry relocated to Meghan’s native California in June 2020 and has lived there ever since. Daniela describes that Harry “turned on his heel and decided he wanted a different life,” far from the UK, losing considerable favor with the British public over the decision.

“I’m not sure an entire nation’s feelings have ever been hurt in one fell swoop before but really, what else was the British reaction to Megxit but exactly that?” she asked. “Harry broke an unspoken contract with the people, one he had never been given a say over, and they have never, and I’m not sure will ever, forgive him.”

Kate is the ‘Arrowroot biscuit of the royal family’

What exactly does Daniela mean by Arrowroot biscuit? She’s enlightening enough to break it down in detail.

When accounting for Kate’s popularity in contrast to a royal like Prince Harry, the journalist argues “Part of her success here lies in the fact that, at least until the last few years, the mother-of-three has remained largely the Arrowroot biscuit of the royal family. Inoffensive. Unprovocative. Dependable. A bit dry.”

In this view, she draws parallels to the late Queen Elizabeth II. “Whether consciously or not,” she suggests, “this is exactly the template of public life that the late Queen pioneered. Under Her late Majesty, boredom, and predictability became admirable, virtuous qualities; her fixedness broadly interpreted as reflecting her steadfastness in her job.”

Earlier this March, Kate revealed that she has been diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing treatment, encouraging an outpouring of support from famous figures and the public alike.

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