'Beautifully done': What the Celtic fans did at Parkhead yesterday that blew Pat Bonner away

What a day Trophy Day was for Celtic, the players, Brendan Rodgers and the fans was yesterday.

No sooner had the full-time whistle sounded, the Celtic title party celebrations started as the players and the manager took in the acclaim of the Celtic supporters.

The stadium was decked out in green and white and huge pyrotechnics were brought in as the club went all out to make this a day one to remember but it was none of that which really impressed former Celtic hero, Pat Bonner.

‘Great’ Joe Hart banner impresses Bonner

The Celtic fans were in superb form yesterday as they hailed their heroes for winning their third title in a row.

But it was what they did for the retiring Joe Hart that really blew Bonner away as the Celtic fans gave him a huge send-off in his last appeareance at Parkhead.

Bonner said [BBC Radio Scotland], “It’s a great banner, isn’t it?

“One of him just almost standing with one hand in the air. It’s beautifully done, actually.

“That’s the kind of tributes I like. I’ve got to be honest, I like this for celebrating your heroes, the players, the people who are doing something for the club.”

Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images

The Celtic fans have a great reputation for producing incredible TIFO’s over the years. The tribute paid on Wednesday night to Celtic legend, Tommy Burns, was brilliantly done and also well received by the Kilmarnock fans.

There is also the 125th Anniversary TIFO displayed before the Champions League win over Barcelona which, in my opinion, is one of the most iconic ones I have ever seen the Celtic support produce.

And to create the one like they did for Joe Hart just shows you how much the Celtic fans love and respect a player that looks like he has lived and breathed the club in the three short years he has been at the club.