Donald Trump Says He Doesn’t Believe In “Man-Made” Climate Change

President Donald Trump

Donald Trump has remained a skeptic of climate change. One of his acts as president was to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, and he rejected a United Nations report last month and a report from the United States government last Friday regarding climate change and the dangers it poses.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Trump reiterated his disbelief that man-made climate change is a cause for concern. Asserting how he “doesn’t see” it as man-made, Trump said, “One of the problems that a lot of people like myself, we have very high levels of intelligence but we’re not necessarily such believers. You look at our air and our water, and it’s right now at a record clean.”


Continuing, Trump added, “As to whether or not it’s man-made and whether or not the effects that you’re talking about are there, I don’t see it, not nearly like it is.” The United States government last week published a report showing how global warming is adversely affecting the country and endangers its resources and infrastructure.

Trump did, however, acknowledge how other countries — such as Russia and China — suffer from an “incredibly dirty” atmosphere. “And when you’re talking about an atmosphere, oceans are very small. And it blows over and it sails over,” Trump said. “I mean, we take thousands of tons of garbage off our beaches all the time that comes over from Asia. It just flows right down the Pacific, it flows, and we say where does this come from.”

On Tuesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders alleged that the Friday report was “not based on facts,” adding how the science explaining climate change is “never exact.” Speaking to reporters, she said, “The president’s certainly leading on what matters most in this process, and that’s on having clean air, clean water. In fact, the United States continues to be a leader on that front.”


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