Tweet of the Week #32: Pill Problems

Legalized in Japan only in 1999, birth control pills, 経口避妊薬(keikouhininyaku) or ピル (piru) in Japanese, just aren’t as popular here — and it’s easy to understand why.

Getting a prescription for the pill is not exactly the simplest pathway to protection. Why bother when condoms are practically sold in every one of Japan’s more than 50,000 convenience stores?

Even if a woman finds a doctor that agrees to prescribe the pill, the prescription will typically be only for one or two months at a time. On top of this, birth control pills cost around ¥2,000 to ¥3,000 a month and aren’t covered by national health insurance.

Just stop doing the deed, the ol’ hanky panky, the getting down and durrrty, I hear you cry! Well, even if abstinence were the best method of contraception (spoiler alert: it’s not), the pill actually has a host of other health benefits for many women — especially young females going through puberty.

Educate yourself

Birth control pills can also be prescribed to treat medical conditions, from acne to endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, cramps and other joyful symptoms dear Mother Nature blessed women with in addition to their reproductive organs.

So when her high school teacher announced during a health class that he believed no girls in the classroom could be on the pill, Twitter user @sasarin took her anger to the internet.


“Please listen to me, as I’d like to get rid of the prejudice against high schoolers that are on the pill. Recently, during our health class, the teacher said that he believes none of the students in our class were taking birth control pills. It made me sad. Isn’t this education program outdated? Birth control pills aren’t only for birth control. Stop trying to make girls with heavy periods feel ashamed (for taking the pill).”

Following this with a couple more tweets, Sasarin explained her disappointment seeing her teacher introducing the pill as a contraceptive method only, totally ignoring all the medical benefits and any other motivation a young girl might have for taking the pill.

Not that being sexually active should be judged either, she added.

Not only… but

Let’s play around with だけではない which translates to “not only” or “not only but.” In the tweet, we can see its longer casual version:

ピルは「避妊」目的だけじゃありません = the pill’s purpose isn’t only birth control

If you combine the first sentence with another sentence, ない (ありません)will become なくand then comes the “but”:

ピルの目的は「避妊」だけではなく、辛い生理もです:the pill isn’t only for birth control, but also for painful periods

  • Verb (dictionary form) + だけではなく
  • Noun + だけではなく
  • I-adj + だけではなく
  • Na-adj + なだけではなく


聞く	kiku	hear, listen
ください	kudasai	please (after a verb)
現役	geneki	active, currently
女子高生	joshikousei	high school girl
ピル	piru	birth control pill
飲む	nomu 	drink (also: take medicine)
偏見	henken	bias, prejudice
なくしたいです	nakushitai desu	want to make disappear
この間	kono aida	recently
保健	hoken	health (education)
授業	jugyou	class
先生	sensei	teacher
皆さん	minasan	everyone
中で	naka de	among
いる	iru	be
思う	omou	think
けど	kedo	but
言う	iu	say, tell
悲しい	kanashii	sad
なる	naru	become
遅れる	okureru	be behind
避妊	hinin	contraception
目的	mokuteki	goal, purpose
教師	kyoushi	teacher
進む	susumu	continue, proceed
生理	seiri	period
辛い	tsurai	painful, hard
女の子	onna no ko	girl(s)
肩身を狭める	katami o sebameru	to shame, to make someone feel ashamed

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