Everything You Need To Know About Disney Deluxe

Launched earlier this year, Disney Deluxe is the streaming service for all of Disney’s franchises, available exclusively to residents of Japan. For ¥700 plus tax per month (that’s ¥756 for those of you with a budget—cheaper than Netflix), users can access almost all content on-demand from Disney, Pixar, Star Wars, and Marvel.

You may have heard of Disney+, the upcoming streaming service launching initially in Canada, the United States, and the Netherlands in November 2019. Interestingly, it appears that the Disney Deluxe is unrelated to Disney+. Tony Ellison, Walt Disney Japan Vice President & General Manager of North Asia Media, told Cinema Today that Disney Deluxe came out of a special relationship between Disney and Docomo. That being said, Disney Deluxe is a bit of a sneak peek of what’s to come in Disney+.

What’s Included?

The content on Disney Deluxe is incredible. The lists aren’t as endlessly scrollable as Netflixor Hulu, but every category is appealing to my Disney-loving brain. Disney Princesses, Mickey Mouse, old and new Star Wars, Pixar movies, Disney/Pixar movies, and every short film I can think of (and many I haven’t seen) are available. And don’t even get me started on the Marvel section!

Knowing Japanese Will Help

The one downside is that the website and app are only available in Japanese. I can’t read Japanese well enough to navigate without relying on Google Translate, which adds an extra step into my searching. I want to make sure I’m choosing the original Little Mermaid, and not a sequel or the TV show. There are basic search filters to narrow down the results to only movies, or only short films, which you can search in English.

The content on Disney Deluxe is extensive. Be aware that sometimes the Japanese name for a movie is different from the English name! Case-in-point: Fashionable Cat (Aristocats), Mighty So (the Thor franchise), Remember Me (Coco), I Became An Adult With Pooh (the new Christopher Robin) and Micro Kids (Honey, I Shrunk the Kids).

Step 1: Sign In With Your d Account

As I had previously mentioned, because Disney Deluxe is associated with Docomo, you will need a d Account in order to sign up for Disney Deluxe. You’ll have to choose from one of the following three scenarios:

1. I have an account:Click the red「ログイン」(login) button and proceed with your existing account.
2. I don’t have an account, but I use Docomo:Turn off the Wi-Fi, click on the red button labeled 「ドコモのケータイ回線のお持ちのお客さま」, and follow the instructions.
3. I don’t have Docomo or a d Account:Click on the gray button labeled 「ドコモのケータイ回線をお持ちでないお客さま」and follow the instructions to create an account.

Step 2: Payments

Preexisting d Account holders may already have a card on file that is used, so this step may not be necessary.

Creating a d Account is free, but you have to enter a credit card for the eventual monthly cost of Disney Deluxe.

My main credit card is issued from a bank in the United States. When I first tried connecting that card to my d Account, it wouldn’t work. The fine print says that “Some credit cards issued overseas may not be accepted.” So know in advance that you may need a card tied to a Japanese account for the registration to be accepted.

The first 31 days of Disney Deluxe are free! After that, it costs ¥756 per calendar month. If you join the service on September 20, the amount is not prorated, so you’ll pay the ¥756 for September and again ¥756 on October 1.

When you cancel your account, access is immediately terminated, even though you paid for the whole month. No refunds will be given.

Savvy Tip:Join at the beginning of the month, and cancel at the end of the month to get your money’s worth. And, obviously, please read the fine print to learn all about the nuances of the contract that you are signing.

Step 3: All The Ways To Log In and Watch

Using your d Account credentials, log in to the Disney Theater.

It can be watched on your computer through the Disney Theater site, or you can download the app from the App Storeor Google Play Store. If you’re only interested in one of the categories (Disney DX, Marvel DX, or Star Wars DX), you could also download the app for only that content to make it easier to search and scroll. In order to watch on a phone or tablet, you’ll have to use an app (you cannot use the website).

There are also a few ways to stream the service directly onto your smart TV. You must have a fourth-generation or later Apple TV to be able to get the app on your Apple TV, and it is only available in the Japanese app store (you can change your country or region, but make sure you do your research beforehand so you don’t lose any store credit, subscriptions, etc). If you use Chromecast, some users through the Google Play store have reported issues with English subtitles.

It appears that the Google Play app is only available in Japanese, and the Apple app is available in both English and Japanese.

Step 4: Watch And Enjoy!

You don’t need instructions for this one, do you? Grab some snacks, kick off your slippers, and enjoy the show!

More information about Disney Deluxecan be found on their website. Happy watching!

What are you most excited to watch on Disney Deluxe? Tell us in the comments!

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