The Coming Hunter's Moon Is Going To Shine Brighter And Bigger Than Normal

The spooky season is upon us, so it's only fitting to get a spooky moon to go with it. And on October 13, we'll actually get it. This year's Hunter's Moon will be shining in all its glory right at 5:08 p.m. EDT on Sunday, and will keep going strong throughout the night into Monday. Brighter and seemingly bigger than most other moons, it'll definitely be a sight to remember.


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What is the Hunter's Moon?

The Hunter's Moon is one of the few full moons not named after the month in which it occurs.That's because the Hunter's Moon can take place on either October or November, depending on when the Harvest Moonhappened to occur. Since the Hunter's Moon is the first full moon after the Harvest Moon,and the latter's date varies every year, the former's date does too.

Its name comes from the fact thatit used to signal the completion of the harvest and the beginning of the hunting season(which helped ancient societies get enough protein just in time for the coming winter.)


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The Moon Illusion

The moon will appear far larger than usual not because it's closer or actually larger, but because of the "Moon Illusion," a visual phenomenon that occurs when the full moon is near the horizon,tricking your brain into perceiving the moon as bigger.

And this year will be no different. If anything, it will look larger than many moons before it, and with a distinct orange hue that fits perfectly with October's seasonality. So, try not to miss it if you want to get into the mood for Halloweena few days early.

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