Tweet of the Week #50: Typhoon Hagibis Causes Panic Buying of Tape

Chiba Prefectureis still recovering from the massive power outages and damages caused by Typhoon Faxailast month, but now Japan is bracing itself for yet another potentially destructive typhoon. Called Hagibis—a Tagalog word for “velocity”—the typhoon is set to be one of the most powerful on record.

Typhoon Hagibis is no joke

The forecast for wind and torrential rain is getting grimmer by the hour. Categorized as a violent typhoon, the highest category on the Japanese scale, Hagibis is making landfall today. Matches for the Rugby World Cup, the F1 race and the long-awaited return of the Backstreet Boys in a special concert have either been canceled or postponed. Airlines and train companies have also announced the suspension of some services until Sunday.

As the second most powerful storm to hit planet earth in 2019, theJapan Meteorological Agency is urging the public to take precautions. The size, speed, and timing of the storm makes it a serious danger for coastal areas, as well as the Tokyo region.

What to do

Well, for starters, avoid going out when the typhoon lands in your area. If there’s a lesson we learned with Typhoon Faxai last month, it’s that the danger comes from sudden flooding and/or flying or falling objects. Trees, branches, roofs and even garden walls can give in to the strong winds.

If you haven’t gotten yourself a nicely packed emergency kit, it’s probably a good time to put together a simple pack that can keep you going in the event of a natural disaster. Store some snacks, emergency food, and water, as well as batteries for flashlights and fully charged portable batteries for your phone. Nothing worse than a dying phone during a power outage!

Now, let’s talk windows

Fear of broken windows and flying pieces of glass has prompted quite a lot of Japanese Twitter users to promote using tape on their windows.

Taping Xs on them is said to make the glass stronger and, were it to break, prevent pieces from scattering all over the place.


= In a densely populated area the risk associated with the wind might be small, but flying tiles can hit the glass, so I’ll reinforce (the windows) with curing tape. A 100 yen store roll is about 10 meters long and just enough for one window with a height from about the knee to the head, so it’s better to go and buy a proper one at a home center.

Since Thursday, Japanese people have been panic buying reinforced tape and home centers are now out of stock. The news made the headlines as manufacturers struggled to keep up with the sudden increase in demand.

で”養生テープ”りれぐ メーカー「がしています」

= Because of the Typhoon Hagibis (typhoon no.19) curing tape stockists are running out out one after another. “Orders are rapidly increasing.”

Dreading the hassle of finding curing tape (what even is curing tape?!) andX-ingall your windows one by one?

Well, the measure seems to actually be a myth—apparently a dangerous one that needs to be debunked.

もっとエビデンスをします。 アメリカが出したガイドラインにこのようながあります。…テープによる窓ガラス補強はく持ってがないとの。

= Here’s more evidence. The disaster prevention guidelines issued by the US Department of Homeland Security has this statement:
So there’s absolutely no point in reinforcing the window glass with tape.

Whether you decide to tape or not your windows,one thing’s for sure, you should definitely take precautions today and keep an eye on the local news for updates.

How to give advice in Japanese

To make a suggestion or give advice such as “it’s better to…” or “you should…”, you can use the phrase: verb ta form +がいい.

  • した方がいいです。= Better make the preparation today.
  • 台風がしているときは、へない方がいいです= When a typhoon is passing, you shouldn’t go outside.

The phrase verb ta form +方がcan actually be used in a wide range of situations with other adjectives:

  • いた方がいです。= It’ll be faster to walk.
  • とった方がしいです。= It’s more fun to go with friends.


台風19号	taifuu juukyuu gou	Typhoon n°19
住宅密集地	jyuutakumisshyuuchi	dense residential areas
風	kaze	wind
影響	eikyou	effect, impact
少ない	sukunai	little
かもしれない	kamoshirenai	may, it may be that…
けど	kedo	but
瓦	kawara	tile
飛ぶ	tobu	fly
ガラス	garasu	glass
直撃する	chokugeki suru	hit
気休め	kiyasume	restless, without rest
養生テープ	youjyou teepu	curing/wrapping tape
補強	hokyou	reinforcement
100円均一	hyaku en kinitsu	¥100 store
1巻	ichi maki	one roll
10メートル	jyuu meetoru	10 meter
膝から頭	hiza kara atama	from the knee to the head
くらい	kurai	 about
 高さ	takasa	 height
1枚分	ichi mai bun	 one (window)
 しかない	shika nai	 only
 ホームセンター	hoomu sentaa	 Home Center
 ちゃんと	chyanto	proper
買う	 kau	buy
今日	kyou	today
準備する	junbi suru	prepare
通過する	tsuuka suru	pass
とき	toki	when
外	soto	outside
出る	deru	go (out)
歩く	aruku	walk
早い	hayai	fast
友達	tomodachi	friend
行く	iku	go (somewhere)
楽しい	tanoshii	fun

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