Tweet of the Week #55: A Sweet Tooth (Literally)

As the saying でべる(“eat with your eyes”)goes, food presentation is considered to be veryimportant in Japan. Japanese culinary tradition is built upon the idea that eating should be a full sensory experience. Apparently, this is backed up by several scientific studies that demonstrate how eye-pleasing meals can influence both the speed and amount that you eat.

The wonderful world of wagashi

Japanese traditional sweets, known as wagashi(), are a perfect example of how Japanese food culture is about so much more than filling your stomach. Made from wheat, rice, beans, and sugar, wagashi come in all sorts of shapes and flavors—but are always absolute works of art.

After the Meiji era, Japan was quick to adopt western sweets and these days we’re probably more familiar with popular choices like Pocky, Koala’s March cookies and, of course, regional Kit Kats.

To keep up with the competition from mass producers, more and more wagashi shops are breaking with tradition and starting to get pretty creative. And sometimes, they can count on their clients for inspiration—however weird the request might be!

Sweet teeth?

First confused as hell during this phone call, this confectionary maker decided to make his client’s wish for a new wagashi product come true.


「 はをっていただきたいのですが… 」

「 ですか?のならがですよ。 」

客「 そっちのではないです…のです。 」

私「 は・・・!? 」




= A previous phone call with a client

Client “I’d like you to make teethplease…”

Me “You mean leaf? In this season, red leaves are surely really exquisite.”

Client “Not that “ha”, I’m talking about teeth in a mouth.”

Me “Ha… ?!”

Well, today’s November 8th which is “Good Teeth Day”

I’ve filled them with bean paste and will sell them until the end of the month.

In a highly contextual culture that relies on implicit, non-verbal communication, Japanese homophonesare far too common and even native speakers get confused once in a while. In this case, the customer requested which can actually mean “tooth/teeth” or “leaf.”

November 8 is in fact “Good Teeth Day,” a faux holiday generated by teeth-whitening services and dentists to market their products.It comes from 1 (i) 1 (i), the 11th month, which makes “ii” (good) and the 8th day (hachi) to make “ha” (teeth.)

How to agree on context in Japanese

When you want to use a contextual conditional—basically saying something will happen given the right conditions—you can use the particle ならwhich translates to “if” or “in this case” “if that’s the case.”

ならuses the clause stating the conditions and is followed by the conditional results:

  • のならがいいです = For a summer trip, Okinawa is good
  • くなら、私も行きます!= If you go, I’ll go!


和菓子	wagashi	Japanese traditional sweet
以前	izen	previously, before
お客様	o kyaku sama	client
電話対応	denwa taiou	telephone support
作る	tsukuru	make
いただきたいのですが・・・	itadakitai no desu ga	… would like…
私	watashi	I, me
葉	ha	leaf
今	ima	now
季節	kisetsu	season
紅葉	momiji	red maple leaves
素敵	suteki	splendid
なら	nara	if, in the case
口	kuchi	mouth
歯	ha	teeth/tooth
ということで	toiukoto de	therefore
今日	kyou	today
いい歯の日	ii ha no hi	Good Teeth Day
中	naka	inside
こし餡	koshi an	fine-grained sweet bean paste
今月末まで	kon getsu matsu made	until the end of this month
販売する	hanbai suru	sell
夏の旅行	natsu no ryokou	summer trip
沖縄	okinawa	Okinawa
行く	iku	go

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