Bloomberg Ads Attack Trump For Trying To Repeal Obamcare’s Protections For Preexisting Conditions, Trump Falsely Claims He Protected Them

Michael Bloomberg

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg and President Donald Trump are sparring over Bloomberg’s ads reminding voter that Trump tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).


The two are taking jabs at one another over one of the most most popular provisions of the legislation, which provides protections for those with preexisting medical conditions.


The law requires that insurance companies may not discriminate against those with a preexisting medical condition. Insurers also are prohibited from viewing medical diagnoses on an individual level while offering coverage plans to new customers. Under one of the most popular provisions, amended in 2014, Obamacare mandates that insurance agencies must view all clients as equal entities.

Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress tried to repeal the popular piece of legislation in 2017.



Trump has falsely tweeted that he is fighting to protect patient’s rights realized under the 2010 federal law.


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