Al Goodwyn Cartoon: New virus infecting media - Corona Trump Derangement (TDS-45)

WASHINGTON: The media’s interest in the Democrat Primary is on an apparent decline. Corona Trump Derangement-45 is making headlines over the Democrat primary race. This is surprising since media often gravitate toward fires. The stench though may have forced them to keep their distance. This fire is consuming a dumpster. The other reason for keeping only one eye on the primary is the media’s inability to turn it into an attack on Trump. The media's worn out attempts to develop Russia-gate, Ukraine-gate, and over-cooked-steak-with-ketchup-and-two-scoops-of-ice-cream-gate smells of desperation and Brussel sprouts. In an effort to show us their determination at blaming everything on Trump, the media are displaying the gusto of left-wing elitists at a Soros-sponsored baby-parts auction. The following attempts haven't stuck to Trump but you have to admire the creativity. ##### Reasons the Democrat debates have gone so poorly:

  • Chaotic and uncontained exuberance for defeating Trump. After all, a strong economy removes voters' victim status, the party’s lifeblood.
  • Candidates believe Trump is easily beaten leading to too many contenders. At least that’s what people in LA and NYC told them.
  • Hate for Trump brings out exaggerated facial expressions and mannerisms making editorial cartoonists' jobs too easy.
  • The candidates are stricken with Trump Derangement Syndrome. One symptom is the desire to embrace the complete opposite of Trump. Like capitalism countered with socialism, border security countered with open borders and winning countered with losing.

Then a new virus called severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2 begins running rampant through Wuhan, China. New hope springs from the Democrats as they crank up the carbon generating, fossil fuel-powered political machine. Damn global warming, full speed ahead. ##### Enjoy more political cartooning by Al Goodwyn here

A nickname tying Trump to this will SURELY bring him down.

The media quickly recognize that the name SARS-CoV-2 can’t be exploited against Trump. Sure SARS was really bad and really deadly, but it’ll be been-there-done-that in the mind of U.S. voters. Jim Acosta poll-tested “Trump Flu” but respondents overwhelmingly thought that was the virus that causes Trump Derangement Syndrome. Then at the mere mention of Trump Derangement Syndrome, media members automatically slipped into their straight-jackets in a pre-conditioned response. The media's apoplectic fit recovery and straight-jacket removal delayed the development of an appropriate Trump/flu nickname. The opportunity had long passed. “Coronavirus” had secured itself in the nation’s lexicon. The media went to the Democrats for help. “Why is it so hard to stick a nickname to Trump”, came their collective appeal. In unison were blank stares and shoulder shrugs from Crazy Nancy, Cryin’ Chuck, Sleepy Joe, and Mini Mike.

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