10 Whatsapp forwards you should not forward

WhatsApp groups are awash with misinformation about COVID-19. Our team of doctors and fact-checkers identified a number of viral rumours and misleading and fake messages’ spreading on WhatsApp in India.

By Nabeela Khan

News around the COVID-19, the bogus treatments and unscientific claims and fake health advisories have taken misinformation and fake news to unimaginable levels. People wanting to save themselves from this virus are resorting to any measure – fuelled by rumours and half baked fake news on preventive measures and cures. Instant messaging platform WhatsApp, particularly family groups, is increasingly becoming a hotbed of medical misinformation despite recent measures by WhatsApp to stem the flow of misinformation around the COVID-19 pandemic. WhatsApp has 160 million active users in India, making India its biggest market in the world.

Our team of doctors and fact-checkers identified series of WhatsApp posts which were widely shared in the different healthcare community and family groups in India. The volume of misinformation churning around COVID-19 makes this different than other healthcare crises. Here are 10 most viral and misleading and harmful WhatsApp posts which are doing rounds in thousands of WhatsApp groups across India.

1.This virus will be killed at a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Therefore, drink more hot water, go under the sun for a long time. Drinking warm water is effective for mostly all viruses. Try not to drink ice. Remember that.”

2. “Aside from washing your hands frequently, you can gargle with BetadineSore Throat Gargle to eliminate or minimise the germs while they are still in your throat (before dripping down to your lungs).”

3. “Avoid eating mammals meat till virus exist as it passes from animals to humans, China is in fact burning pigs to avoid this transmission.”

4. “Taiwan experts provide a simple self-checkthat we can do every morning. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds.If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stiffness or tightness, etc., it proves there is no Fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicates no infection. In a critical time, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air.”

5. Chinese Government Shooting Corona Virus-Infected People, almost 45000 Killed

6. Serious excellent advice by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases: Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat are moist, never dry. Take a few sips of water every 15 minutesat least. Why? Even if the virus gets into your mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through your throat and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill all the virus. If you don’t drink enough water more regularly, the virus can enter your windpipe and into the lungs. That’s very dangerous. Please send and share this with family and friends. Take care everyone and may the world recover from this Coronavirus soon.

7. It is important to keep the message on your greatest knowledge: Professor Chen Horin, CEO of the Beijing Military Hospital, said: “Slices of lemon in a cup of lukewarm water can save your life.”

8. As long as the body maintains heat, eat more ginger and do more exercise, you will not be infected with the virus. If you have a high fever, cover the quilt and drink ginger soupto increase the body’s heat energy without the need for a vaccine. Eating more ginger, garlic pepper, and pepper can solve it; eat less sweet, sour, and salty and don’t go to cold weather areas.

9. Cut onions into small pieces and eat without water. Wait for 5 minutes, do not drink water. Check the patient and he will be cured of coronavirus. Share widely!

10. As you are aware, the Government has declared Restricted Movement Order from 18 to 31 March 2020. Following the declaration, follow up steps have been taken to coordinate and detail out the implementation of the order. the National Security Council had a coordination meeting between the government agencies on 17 March 2020 to ensure the smooth implementation of the order.

Take a part in curbing medical misinformation!

If you receive any video, photo or any kind of information that is doubtful or if you are not convinced of a post or message on the internet related to health and medicine, forward it to our mailbox at editor.haindia@gmail.comwe’ll fact-check it for you.

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