10 Things To Do When You’re Stuck At Home

Here you are, stuck at home to save lives. That's great but... What to do? Not everyone feels 100% comfortable when staying home 24/24, and even the most introverted person can feel like losing it in this situation. Want to rest all you can and unplug from everything? Go for it! Bored and in need of something to do? Follow this guide to make the most of this confinement.

People all over the world are struggling with the current situation and the drastic life changes they had to make, it’s challenging their life, security, and safety. But for introverts, this new form of spending more time at home indulging in their favorite indoor activities is not all that new.

As sports events and concerts are canceled or postponed one by one, schools closed, most tourist establishments are shut down, we find ourselves with what feels like unlimited time spent at home. Boredom could be real torture if you are used to having a packed schedule. For those seeking a useful way to spend their days during times of social distancing and self-isolation, here are some daily tips and ideas to make indoors productive and enjoyable.

Get ready in the morning

And we mean reallyready.

The first step to a productive day at home is getting out of your nightgown. Being indoors is not a good excuse to stay in your beloved pajamas all day long—even though they feel like heaven to your skin! Continue your morning ritual but instead of wearing your suit, dress up comfortably for the day.

Why not try out a casual athleisure look? Simply wear pants with an elastic band that is super stretchy and comfortable. Getting ready in the morning, even when you are not meeting or seeing anyone, will make you feel more centered and productive. Need some inspiration? Morning routines are a big hit on YouTube! Browse thousands of Japanese or foreign content creators showing how they start their day and pick your favorite one to get you motivated.

Clean your environment

Dedicate your newfound time to tidy up your home. If you are going to stay a long period of time in a certain environment, you should make sure your living space is nice and neat to help clear your own mind. Cleaning up your space will keep you moving and time flying, and uncluttered living space will help you breathe and function. Win-win.

Your house is the perfect space to place more values on yourself, to improve your life and help everyone around you.

Read a book—or ten

There is no better friend than a book. Just pick up one of the booksthat have been collecting dust in your bookshelf, or now could be the perfect time to invest in an ebook reader.

You might not be a book lover, but you can pick up on topics that interest you and slowly read your way through, page by page. It is the perfect opportunity to get a break from the overload of information we are receiving daily.

If you are already a book nerd, this is an opportunity to finally look through your tbr (to be read) list or even start a new challenge and join an online book club. Audiobooks are also a good alternative, prepare yourself your favorite beverage and enjoy the reading time.

Catch up on your work

Your mind is now free to wander without any distraction, and you can finally clear your mind. Although that can feel satisfying and healing, it will also be easier to concentrate on tasks and get results!

Get your plannerand organize your schedule, plan your day—it will help you feel more put together. Create a distinct workspace, especially when working from home. It’s crucial to simulate that separate office space and make a clear distinction of your workspace, to avoid the temptation to slum back to your bed. Also, remember to take breaks: set yourself a timer, create your own work intervals (e.g 45 min work and 10 min break), eat nutritious foods, and stretch once in a while.

Learn a new skill…

You can take this time to invest your time in learning something new. There are an infinite number of things you can acquire: fresh up on your Japanese language skills,start a new personal project such as dancing or study topics you have been curious about. Do things that give you joy and happiness without being pressured by anyone.

There are plenty of resources for you online and offline, free or not, pick one and get that head of you filled with new things! Don’t feel pressured though, if some of us need to shake those brain cells, some of us need to rest. It has to bring you joy, it should not be a burden but something to help you unwind.

Or get back to a forgotten hobby!

Finally, it’s time to get back to thatold passion of yours. You know, the one you have been saying about “I want to get back to it sooomuch” for ages? Well, it’s about time.

Treat yourself and do the things you love to do. Pick up that instrument you have started playing, get inspired by your surroundings and start drawing, get creative in your kitchen, or finish knitting that scarf you’ve been wanting to make. Now is the perfect opportunity to do anything your heart desires and get back to the craft that has been buried away by your everyday life.


Indoor activities can feel lonely… But it doesn’t have to. Nowadays, it’s so much easier to keep in touch with our family and friends. Technology has made it possible for us to connect with people from all over the world in seconds.

Quarantine or self-quarantine is the time to check up on your loved ones, old friends and make new connections—with people sharing your hobbies, for example. Why not watch movies, or play games while you are on the phone at the same time? This will not only bring normality to your days at home but is also a fun way to feel connected and share a moment despite being on lockdown.

If you are stuck at home with your family or room-mates, you can play board games or make a puzzle together, a nice timing to reconnect.

Move that body!

Get your blood flowing and your endorphins going! Just because you are at home doesn’t mean you cannot take care of your health. Look up workoutsyou can do from home and enjoy, it can be from yoga to simple stretch exercises. You don’t want to work out alone? Why not join thousands of people on a live stream session. Instagram, Twitch, Youtube… You name it.

Treat yourself (self-care)

Staying at home will automatically reduce the number of external energies you will get to encounter every day. Finally, you have time to spend on your own ideas when you are alone.

Take the time to rest and heal, meditate, clear your head and give yourself the self-care treatment you deserve—we insist, you deserveit. From a manicure to a home facial, or simply doing your skincare: pleasure yourself with some “me” time.

Catch up on your favorite shows

Why not take advantage of this time to binge-watch all those series and movies you have been dying to see? Have you missed the latest TV parties? Well, now is the time to catch up on all the contents you’ve been curious about. Luckily, Netflix updates its library daily, so you won’t be short on shows to watch. Don’t forget to check on hulu, Disney Deluxeor Amazon Prime!

You can pick 1 or 10 of these activities, it’s up to


and what


want to do. Take care and stay safe!

Want to add something to this list? Comment below and we might even do a follow-up to this article!

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