Media suppressing Tara Reade's allegations are accessories to her assault

LOS ANGELES: Americans who are honest with themselves and others have no idea if Joe Biden is a sexual predator as Tara Reade alleges. He is definitely an odd duck, but this offers absolutely no window into whether he has ever committed sexual crimes. (All the Women Who Have Spoken Out Against Joe Biden)

No, women do not always deserve to be believed. Neither do men. Nobody gets the benefit of the doubt with an accusation. Everyone deserves the presumption of innocence and due process of law. The anger is not that Joe Biden is a rapist. He maintains his innocence, and allegations are just that.

Real anger should be at the liberal media’s absolute and total refusal to investigate Tara Reade’s allegation against Biden. The liberal media are doing everything possible to cover up and bury this story. The people who are supposed to be the prime guardians of the First Amendment are actively and deliberately engage in censorship.

Read Also: Tara Reade fingers Biden for fingering her. Proof emerges on Larry King.

Legitimate anger should also emanate from the fact that Republicans are always treated by the liberal media as guilty until proven innocent. Neither Herman Cain, Brett Kavanaugh, or Donald Trump ever got the benefit of the doubt. All three were guilty, never proven innocent. So they remain guilty in liberal minds.

Neither was the Duke Lacrosse players. While they were not all Republicans per se, the story of white men raping a black woman was too much for the liberal media to maintain objectivity. The issue was racial, but it was motivated by ideological considerations. The media just decided that the Duke Lacrosse rape accuser and Christine Blasey Ford had to be telling the truth. Why? Just because. Because why? Because they said so. That is the exact opposite of an investigation.

Liberals have proven that they will try to destroy anyone to protect Roe vs. Wade. The heart of leftism is that the ends justify the means.

The ends do not justify the means. No policy or political issue is so righteous or virtuous that it justifies framing innocent people for crimes, protecting guilty people from facing

The liberal media is a mess.

If an honest member of the fourth estate, liberal media need to stop amplifying alleged stories against conservative Republicans. Particularly if they insist on suppressing stories of the exact same nature involving liberal Democrats, such as the allegations of Ms. Reade. Remember the torch and pitchfork response to the allegations of private citizen Trump’s consensual, if not paid for, dalliance with Stormy Daniels? Trump did not, as Reade alleges Biden did, use his position of power to take advantage of a person in his employ. (Stormy Daniels Ordered to Pay Trump $293,000 in Legal Fees)

Reporters get very nervous when President Trump talks about loosening the American libel laws, but it may be time to look at this. Reject the notion that it would put a chill on free speech. It will put a chill on journalistic slander and libel.

Stockbrokers can commit fraud. Doctors can commit malpractice. Lawyers can be disbarred. It is long past time for journalists to be forced to be held to the same standards as all other white-collar professionals. It may be time for some form of sanctions or penalties for journalists who deliberately harm others.

Read Also: Propaganda in pursuit of power: How the media has undermined America

Nobody should be above the law, but they should not be below it either. The law should be based on rules, facts and evidence, not vapid #MeToo hashtags based on the political ideology of the accused and the accuser.

If Joe Biden turns out to be innocent, those who falsely accused him should apologize.

They should do this after he apologizes to everyone from Robert Bork’s family to Brett Kavanaugh and his family.

If Biden turns out to be guilty, he needs to be held accountable in ways that Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Chris Dodd, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Eric Schneidermann, Keith Ellison, Al Franken and many others never were.

If Biden is guilty, as Reade claims, the liberal media members who purposely helped him cover up the story should face criminal charges. As would any accessory to any crime in any other industry. Purposeful malice and willful blindness are not honest mistakes. In most industries, they are crimes.

America has lost faith in most of our institutions. That trust will not be restored until those committing and accelerating the moral, cultural, political, and legal rot are removed from free society.


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