Soon, Tinder users everywhere will be able to match with anyone across the world

Instead of being restricted to finding matches within your geographical area, The Verge reported that Tinder will be testing a new Global Mode option next week.

In response to the slew of digital daters turning towards their application to connect with people while they're locked down at home due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Tinder has decided that love knows no bounds -- especially in the age of online dating and video calling. 

Because a great deal of Tinder users across the world can't visit their matches anyway if they are to properly observe stay-at-home orders, the platform is introducing a Global Mode feature which allows a user to connect with people outside their direct geographical location for free.

Whether in France or in the US, swipers will be able to "find solidarity with matches 1000s of miles away" and "transport themselves out of self-quarantine to anywhere in the world."

The existing Passport feature available with a paid Tinder subscription only allows users to change their locations, so that if they move or go on vacation, they can find potential matches in the new area.

Global Mode will launch soon as a test for a limited number of users, though it's likely to roll out as a public feature in the near future.

© Agence France-Presse