<レスリング>Japan Wrestling Federation COVID19 Training Guideline Measures

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The below guideline was created by the Japan Wrestling Federation in order to minimize the spread of the COVID19 while providing a safe training environment for the athletes as much as possible.

For those affiliated members, please ensure to follow the below guidelines in order to prepare the best training environment.

In regards to holding training sessions, the allowable capacity of the establishment will be given priority, so please check these restrictions beforehand.

The COVID19 countermeasures taken at home will be important, and so should you feel unwell, please do not participate in any practice sessions.

For athletes, once you notice something is off/different, please talk to your coaches/instuctors. For coaches/instructors, please ensure to strictly check all the athletes’ well-being before every practice.

Ⅰ.During Emergency Declaration(Phase-1)

a)Home Life
① 1. Avoid Gatherings/Crowding, 2. Avoid closed spaces 3. Avoid close contact throughout daily life
② Practice thorough handwashing and face-washing with soap, disinfecting of hands with sanitizer (at least 70% alcohol).
③ Self monitoring of health & daily activity log:Temperature check, at least once a day recording daily health as well as places you may have visited for tracing (be able to provide at least 2 weeks worth of above information at anytime)
④ Ensure to eat properly and get enough sleep.
⑤ No sharing of towels or linens, even amongst family members
⑥ Always wear a mask when going out
⑦ Avoid going out if not necessary, and avoid public transportation as much as possible.

b)Training environment
  ① Initially, conduct training inside your homes (stretching, strength training)
  ② If working out outdoors, ensure to be alone within a 5m radius, with little to no one around. If jogging, ensure to have adequate space between other joggers, and have a mask on.
  ③ Avoid sharing training equipment. If sharing required, ensure to sanitize after every use.
  ④ Due to the decrease in intensity of the workout, it is important to understand the effects/tolls it will have on the body. When returning to normal exercise routine, increase intensity gradually in phases. Use below link as reference.

Ⅱ.Post Emergency Declaration with need of self isolation/quarantine protocols in effect)(Phase-2~4)

a)Home/Daily Life
  Continue to practice items 1 – 6 listed in Phase 1. With schools and businesses reopening, there will be more instances of having close contact with others, and so due diligence will be more important than ever. While out, ensure to have a mask on, wash your hands and face frequently. Avoid eating out as much as possible, as well as avoid crowded shops/peak times.

b)Training Environment
  ① Ensure that participants did not have temperature above 37C fever-up together with symptoms (cough, headache, nausea, lost of taste/smell) in the last 2 weeks.
     Would be most ideal if participants were cleared through PCR testing or antibody testing)
  ② Ensure strict adherence of separating outdoor and indoor shoes. Also, sanitize the soles of the wrestling shoes every time you are to step onto the mats.
  ③  Sanitizing of mats: Sanitize before training, during training, and after training (3 times). The effects of sanitizing does not last very long, so even if you sanitized the mats the previous evening for morning training, please ensure to sanitize again in the morning before training.
  ④  For the first two weeks of starting up training, avoid using locker rooms, and change/shower at home as much as possible. If unavoidable, regulate amount of person inside locker to have at least 2m space in between each other.
  ⑤ Sharing of towels is strictly prohibited
  ⑥ For indoor training, ensure adequate air circulation.

c)Training protocol
  ①  Number of participant: For the first 1-2 weeks (Phase2), there should only be a max of 6 athletes and 1 coach within one full matspace, with no training that involves having to touch/partnering up. If there is a larger number of participants, break them into different timeframes to adhere to the 6+1. Avoid sharing training equipment as much as possible. If unavoidable, ensure to sanitize thoroughly after each use, or use gloves. Once it moves into Phase 3, the max number increases to 10 athletes and 2 coaches per matspace.

  ② As mentioned previously, there should be no partnering up for the first two weeks. Should there be no one developing any symptoms during this period (phase 3), pairing up in 2 or 3 will be allowable (uchikomi, sparring, pair training). During this period, there will be no interchanging of partners. In the next phase (Phase 4A), group training of 10 will be allowable, however, the 10 members must remain the same throughout Phase4A.

  ③ In Phase4B (after 2 weeks), changing of partners within the group of 10 is allowable.
  ④ Should the protocols for self isolation be removed by government officials, or should no new cases occur within your prefecture in the last week, training outside of your normal place of practice is allowable. However, please maintain max capacity at 10 athletes per mat.

Ⅲ. New Way Forward (After lifting of restrictions/self isolation)(Phase-5)

a)Home/Daily Life

Please continue to practice Phase I- a, ① –⑦ guidelines.

b)Training Environment

Please continue to follow Phase II – b, ① –⑤ guidelines

c)Training protocol

Follow Phase II – c, 4. There are no restrictions in regards to training menu, but adhere to the 10 max per 1 matspace regulation.

Ⅳ.Measures for when someone falls ill

  Follow the below measures should someone fall ill while following the above guidelines for training. Coaches/instructors must quickly notify person in charge at training facility, as well as JWF should any athlete fall ill.

a)Phase-1:Ill athlete must await clearance from the doctors on when they can resume training, regardless of positive or negative case. They will resume from Phase 1 above.


Ill athlete must undergo necessary testing as prescribed by the doctors
– Should athlete test negative for COVID with no symptoms, they can restart from Phase 2 above.
       – Should athlete test positive, they are to restart from Phase 1 after completely healing
       All other athletes within the training group of ill athlete, they will return to Phase 1 until test results are clear.
– Should ill athlete test negative, all return to phase 2 training.
        - Should ill athlete test positive, all restart at Phase 1.
Moving up each phase should be at least 1 week (if determined as a person of close contact with ill athlete, phase 1 will last until quarantine period is over)


Ill athlete must take necessary testing as prescribed by doctors
        - Should they test negative with no symptoms, restart from Phase 2, with 1 week between each phase up.
        - Should they test positive, restart from phase 1 after treatment/healing. 1 week between each phase up.
       All other athletes within the training group of ill athlete, they will return to Phase 1 until test results are clear.
        – Should ill athlete test negative, all return to phase 3 training. 1 week between each phase up.
        – Should ill athlete test positive, all restart at Phase 1. Moving up each phase should be at least 1 week (if determined as a person of close contact with ill athlete, phase 1 will last until quarantine period is over)


Ill athlete must take necessary testing as prescribed by doctors
– Should they test negative with no symptoms, restart from phase 2, and return to regular phase after 2 weeks.
        - Should they test positive, restart from phase 1 after treatment/ healing, and 1 week in between every phase up.
      All other athletes within the training group of ill athlete, they will return to Phase 1 until test results are clear.
        - Should ill athlete test negative, restart from Phase 4A, with 1 week between each phase up.
        - Should ill athlete test positive, all restart at Phase 1. Moving up each phase should be at least 1 week (if determined as a person of close contact with ill athlete, phase 1 will last until quarantine period is over)

・Return to the Mat Guidelines; USA Wrestling. 
・「新型コロナウイルス対策 身のまわりを清潔にしましょう。」(厚生労働省啓発資料)

24th May 2020   
Japan Wrestling Federation
Committee of Sports Medicine and Sciences
Committee of Athletes Strengthening      

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