Rioters and Antifa: Rotten leaders and the missing police

WASHINGTON: A gun store owner in Philadelphia demonstrated the only way to stop rioters, those looting, thuggish, animals. He had to shoot a couple. Killing at least one. Too bad, but good riddance to bad rubbish.

There is only one way to stop a rabid animal on the loose. Shoot him. He isn’t going to be cured. There isn’t any other way to stop looters but to shoot them. At least the law must shoot at them so they know they are not welcome to loot, beat, defame and maim without putting their lives in jeopardy. (Looter fatally shot by gun shop owner in South Philadelphia, authorities say | FOX 29 News Philadelphia)

The cowards leading our state and local governments

But this will never happen. Our leadership, for the most part, is as cowardly as the scum that marauds every night.

The rioters beat store owners, they beat policemen, they beat anyone who stands in the way of their raucous, animalistic, cowardly brutality and lawlessness. They spit on civilization and its advances from the mire and jungles of tribalism where they remain.

Because they don’t care. They laugh and jeer when they beat someone senseless. But please, hands up, don’t shoot … us, they say.

As if on cue with the events current, Tucker Carlson pointed out the great failure in the current crisis (es?). He pointed out that what we are seeing happen is a result of no one keeping order. He spent over 20 minutes explaining the reason for the current state of affairs.

The Real Rioters: Thieves, Kleptocrats and Con Artists

Carlson got close to home when he showed a clip of Houston’s Chief of Police, Art Acevedo who is no more than a political thug himself. Acevedo avails himself of the immigrant class that built this country. Then screaming, “*e ain’t going nowhere!*” as if in great authority which encouraged rioters to loot, bully and burn.

Acevedo is no more than a mindless thug in uniform.

This is what people who keep their arms locked away must deal with. So-called leaders who are everywhere political and nowhere competent in their profession. If the government people pay to protect them will not do so, then they will protect themselves. They will unlock their guns.

Former conservative talk show host (Houston-based) Michael Berry wants to get on the progressive “take-a-knee” bandwagon by taking the old Ramsey Clarke mantra: *You don’t shoot looters, you arrest them.” Berry says (a cheap cliché) “That’s not who we are.”* Horse dung.

If somebody tried to rob and beat me, it is going to be who I am.

But Berry, who has two law degrees seem not to even recognize why we have the law. Policemen are given guns for a reason. That reason is that there are those among us who are lawless. Berry, who freely and often reads the Chicago weekend shooting reports seems to have chunked his law studies. Too bad.

No one ever wants to go to war. No one wants to ever shoot anyone. Correction: Looters and men racing through life on animal instinct alone do. Therefore, those of us who believe that we have God-given rights to life, limb, and property will draft ourselves into the heat of the moment.

From J. R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings: “Open War is Upon You.”

The Michael Berry(s) and Art Acevedo(s) of the world will call us names and say “This is not who we are.”

It’s enough for some of us just not to be them.

Lead Image: By Hungryogrephotos –, CC0,

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Paul Yarbrough writes novels, short stories, poetry, and essays. His first novel. Mississippi Cotton is a Kindle bestseller.

His author site can be found on Amazon. He writes political commentary for CommDigiNews.

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