Trump Falsely Accuses Biden Of Reading From A Teleprompter At Press Conference

Donald Trump

President Donald Trump falsely asserted Wednesday that Joe Biden used a teleprompter to answer reporters’ questions during his Tuesday press conference in Wilmington, Delaware.

“Biden was asked questions at his so-called Press Conference yesterday where he read the answers from a teleprompter,” Trump tweeted. “That means he was given the questions, just like Crooked Hillary. Never have seen this before!”

Biden used the teleprompter during the press conference as he was reading the remarks that he prepared.

However, the footage showed that the teleprompter was turned off when Biden was answering questions. 

Since it was his first press conference in nearly three months amid COVID-19 pandemic, the Q&A session lasted for nearly 30 minutes. It covered several big topics, including the recent allegation of Russian bounties paid to Taliban-linked militants to kill U.S. soldiers.

“The idea that somehow he didn’t know or isn’t being briefed, it is a dereliction of duty if that’s the case,” Biden said. “And if he was briefed, and nothing was done about this, that’s a dereliction of duty.”

Prior to Biden’s news conference, Trump has been accusing Biden of not showing up in public, consistently calling him “Sleepy Joe” on social media. 

“I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against,” Biden said Tuesday.


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