Call of Duty League Playoffs go online for 2020

The 2020 'Call of Duty League' Playoffs will be online for 2020. The annual tournaments will be virtual due to the ongoing threat of Covid-19. The league confirmed over the weekend that it will not be possible to have gamers together. What's more, they have announced they are ramping up the technology they use to make sure the live games are a success. A tweet on the official 'Call of Duty League' Twitter page reads: "In light of continued COVID-19 health risks, the CDL postseason will be held online. The League and teams are collaborating on additional competitive integrity measures to be taken. More updates to follow in delivering the best experience for all." Each competitor will have a universal camera setup which will need to be ready for July 10th's New York Subliners Home Series. Regarding Veto Power, a note on the 'Call of Duty League' website explained: "Currently, for each CLD Home Series, team are provided a list of three servers (from a pool of nine) to test and determine which servers they prefer to veto. During the Playoffs and Championship Weekend, we will increase the veto server options to five for each match. By adding more options, we have increased the probability of getting the nest possible server for both teams. Additionally, with more servers in play for each match, there will also be more fallback options if there's an unexpected issue." The Playoffs kick off next month.

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