Prosecutor’s Office Special Operations Division Receives New Jersey Narcotics Enforcement Officers Association Award

MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp, Morris County Acting Chief of Investigations Chris Kimker, and Chief Assistant Prosecutor Brad Seabury announce that the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Special Operations Division has been presented with the Guns, Gangs & Drugs Law Enforcement Award by the New Jersey Narcotics Enforcement Officers Association.

The NJNEOA presented the award to Prosecutor Knapp on September 3, 2020, at their
2020 Training Conference in Atlantic City.

The award highlights the accomplishments of the agencies involved in “Operation Carrera,” including the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, Parsippany Troy-Hills Police Department Special Enforcement Unit/ Investigative Division, and the Sussex County Prosecutor’s Office. Members of the MCPO received individual awards.

Those recognized by the NJNEOA include Assistant Prosecutor Erin Callahan, Det. Supervisor Stephanie Merced, Det. Supervisor Ramon Lopez, Det. Kerri Griffin, Det. Jimmy Atoche, and TFO Danny Corrales.

The Morris County Prosecutor’s Office was recognized for its vigorous drug enforcement efforts, exhibiting a high degree of professionalism, integrity, and dedication above and beyond the call of duty.

Prosecutor Knapp said, “Members of the Morris County Narcotics Task Force have been regularly recognized for excellence by the NJNEOA. Those who were named today have made outstanding contributions to narcotics interdiction along with our law enforcement partners. It was my honor to be present at the awards ceremony, along with fellow prosecutors from across the State.”

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