Finding alternatives to Social Media interference during Election 2020

The Internet and social media have been a boon to modern life. Search engines give us instant information on every possible subject, and social media allow us to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. As the number of users of social media swells, so have the heads of the leaders of the social media platforms. They sense the power they control and it has turned them into tyrants.

Tyrants that think they are so smart they should determine our country’s and our planet’s future; They are so stupid that they think they can manipulate Americans undetected and unpunished. Our free capitalist society shows that there are options out there.

You just need to know where to look.

Read Also: When it comes to social media, who Checks the AFP “Fact-Checkers?”

Like the audacity of NFL players thinking if they can throw a football 80 yards means their political opinions are important, social media and websites are simply programs that run on servers. The betrayal of their user base means they will be replaced, no matter how big they are today. Remember MySpace? In 2007 they had 100 million users per month and were valued at $12 billion.

In a sampling of ninety groups supporting President Trump, Christianity, gun rights, and individual liberties, nine groups, with members totaling over 300,000, have recently been deleted from Facebook. This is the early result of an organized campaign by Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook to use “fact-checkers” and ever-restrictive policies as an excuse to silence conservative speech.
Protecting Americans from “fake news” and “hate speech”

Social media groups have been warning their members to not post “fake news” or anything that can be interpreted as “hate speech.” Or they will have their groups taken down without notice and without recourse. With an average of 35,000

members in each group, it’s almost impossible to screen every post, and a group with a few “trolls” posting blatant negative comment can be shut down very quickly.

As the election gets closer, more and more groups will be deleted, depriving millions of Americans of a vital way to communicate.

Google has become particularly sinister.

They deny it, but whistleblowers have confirmed that they regularly slant results so the top results favor liberals. That social media punishes conservative viewpoints.

With 40 billion searches a day, their power is so massive that even something as simple as a voting reminder on election day can give an edge to liberal candidates. Others have calculated that biased search results can sway undecided voters by as much as 20%. (How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms and Changes Your Results – The internet giant uses blacklists, algorithm tweaks and an army of contractors to shape what you see | WSJ)

YouTube is actually the second-most used search engine in the world.

It also skews search results and takes down videos deemed to be politically incorrect.

Twitter has been exposed for “shadow-banning” conservative users.

They don’t delete their accounts, they just “throttle back” their posts so that they lose 98% of their tweet views. Twitter, under the guise of “fact-checking” has censored President Trump’s tweets, and placed warnings on his messages.

This all came into clear focus when the infamous press conference of the “Front Line Doctors” promoting hydroxychloroquine as a successful treatment for COVID-19 was released.

After 17 million views on YouTube the video was deleted and scrubbed everywhere it was found. Facebook also deleted it and anywhere it was mentioned it was slapped with a fact-check warning.

Google the phrase “front line doctors.” You will find a gaggle of articles and videos that call them “outrageous,” “dangerous,” “misleading,” “false,” and “dubious.”

Why did a simple press conference discussing a possible 50¢ treatment for the most impactful disease in 100 years elicit such an overwhelming response?

Could a coalition of Big Pharma wanting to make billions on cures and vaccines, and globalists wanting to use the COVID crisis as a way to ruin President Trump’s election chances in November be the reason?

The social media giants have made it very clear that they intend to do everything possible to get Trump out of office.

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has a team of thousands of workers manually reviewing groups for “misinformation and harmful content.”

He has announced his plan to ban new Facebook ads in the week prior to Election day, which means outrageous last-minute claims can’t be refuted. Facebook will also be limiting the forwarding of “rumors” that might go viral. Most importantly, Facebook will be censoring any posts after the polls are closed. Thus anything claiming that Trump has won, or “preparing” voters to wait until all the “mail-in” ballots are counted will be censored. (Facebook Moves to Limit Election Chaos in November)

Google will continue to skew search results. YouTube will continue to censor videos. Twitter will continue to delete tweets and shadow-ban conservatives.

Their goal is to drag Joe Biden across the finish line by encouraging liberal votes, discouraging conservative votes, swaying undecided voters with misinformation, and legitimizing fraudulent mail-in vote results.

Their goal is to support the AOC, Black Lives Matter, globalist agenda of gaining control of the United States – permanently. Once they are in power, the Democrats have announced their plans to keep control forever.

In a nutshell, they plan to:

  • End the Senate filibuster,
  • Pack the Supreme Court with extra liberal judges,
  • Add four liberal members to the Senate by giving statehood to Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico,
  • Legalize all aliens and give them the right to vote, and
  • Permanently end fair elections by mandating mail-in voting with zero security safeguards.
The Election 2020 Democrat end game.

On November 3rd, Trump will win in a landslide. However, as the mail-in votes are tallied, extra votes will be “found” in swing states, tipping the election to Biden. Trump will cry foul and they will muzzle him by closing his Twitter account. Only Democrat talking points will be on mainstream media.

Amidst Portland and Seattle-style riots in Washington, D.C. they will try to have him removed from the White House. Anyone who disagrees will have their accounts deleted and their Gmail accounts will be closed. Our ability to communicate will be harnassed.

How do we fight back against Social Media, Democrats, and the American Communists?

First, we need uncensored ways to communicate.

Our Facebook accounts and groups are in danger – we need to go elsewhere. has over six million users and many conservative groups. Another favorite social sharing site is and is a free alternative to the Google search engine. It “fetches” your date from a wide variety of sources for more neutral results. is a free site for posting videos presenting an alternative to YouTube. An alternative to Twitter is

Second, we must become poll workers and be ready to record and report fraud.

Finally, we need to do everything we can to encourage Christians and conservatives to vote. takes people to neutral websites where they can learn how to register and vote.

Simply reminding people to vote can make a huge difference.

Add the icon and link to every website or social media group you manage, as well as attaching it to the signature line of every newsletter and email you send out.

Millions of messages are sent every day. Millions more conservatives and Christians visit conservative groups and websites.

If we don’t act immediately, November 3rd will be our last free election.

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